Atari 8-Bit Stuff Atari 8-Bit Stuff Atari 8-Bit Stuff

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If you wish to link to this page use either the first URL or both URL's since I can't guarantee the second will always exist but I will try to keep the first up indefinitely.

Recent Changes

* * * * * New 12/28/97 * * * * * * More work on emulation section
* * * * * New 12/17/97 * * * * * * Added "Current Projects"
* Started Emulator Section
* * * * * New 12/02/97 * * * * * * A few more link updates
* * * * * New 11/25/97 * * * * * * Removed dead links and added new ones
* * * * * New 11/19/97 * * * * * * ATRUTILS.ZIP - Zip of all ATR utilities on this page
* ATRSRC.ZIP - Source code for ATR utilities on this page

My Utilities

ATRUTILS.ZIP (PC utilities) PC Executables. All of the ATR utilities on this page including documentation in one file. These have been recompiled with a correction that should cause non-ATR files to be rejected. I will remove the individual files once I verify these all work ok. Click here to view zip contents. 66474 bytes.
ATRSRC.ZIP (PC utilities) Source code for all of the ATR utilities on this page including a library of useful ATR routines and some documentation. This is a work in progress and I am posting it here since it may be a while until I get back to working on it. Click here to view zip contents.18785 bytes.
ATRDir (PC utility) PC Executable. Displays disk directory of ATR images in Mydos or Atari Dos formats. Click here to read docs. 13097 bytes
SortATR (PC utility) PC Executable. Sorts many ATR images in Mydos or Atari Dos formats. Click here to read docs. 12154 bytes
MakeATR (PC utility) PC Executable. Creates a minimally sized bootable ATR disk image from an Atari 8-bit executable file. The file can be loaded directly from the emulator and it will autorun. No DOS or menu program is required. Great for use with XL-It. Click here to read the docs. More ATR/XFD utilities to come soon. (13705 bytes)
UnMakATR (PC utility) PC Executable. Extracts the original Atari Executable from an ATR created from MakeAtr. (12645 bytes)
ATRExtr (PC utility) PC Executable. Extracts file(s) from an ATR image. Wildcards are supported. More ATR/XFD utilities to come soon. Click here to read the docs. (12911 bytes)
FIXROM (PC Utility) PC Executable. Patches ATARIXL.ROM so more programs will run on PC XFormer. Prevents BASIC from getting enabled when RESET is pressed. This is not the perfect solution but it will let most stuff run. Make a backup copy of ATARIXL.ROM before executing. ATARIXL.ROM must be in the current directory. (6630 bytes)
High Speed Menu High Speed Menu boot menu program for US doubler drives. Includes brief README.TXT file in ASCII format. Includes Ultra speed format program not written by me. (3618 bytes)
DiskFormer Atari 8-bit executable that interconverts and transfers disks, .ATR images, and .XFD images. Can be used to convert an ATR or XFD file to a disk. (The disk or ramdisk holding the ATR or XFD image must obviously be larger than the disk you are extracting. Can send and receive via XMODEM to a PC. Useful to use .ATR and .XFD files without a PC. (Only handles standard size images: Single, 1050 Double, or Double Density) (11566 bytes)
Flash40 Super fast 40 column E: handler (mostly intended for output). ASM source code included. (4597 bytes)
Flash80 Fast 80 column E: handler (mostly intended for output). Uses 12.5K and a Graphics 8 type screen. ASM source code included! (13289 bytes) included.
Flick80 Super fast 80 column E: handler (mostly intended for output). Uses two Graphics 0 screens. Flickers and cannot display inverse video very well. Uses only about 4K. ASM source code included. (12236 bytes) included.
A.Writer+ Super Menus Adds directory menu, keyboard macros, and a screen saver to Atari Writer Plus. Requires 128K XL/XE. (25613 bytes)

My Development Software

KAsm65 V2.51 6502 Assembler that generates an atari eight bit executable or a relocatable object file that must be linked with KLINK65 (or CC65's linker). Mostly source compatable with Atari Macro Assembler and RA65, and some compatability with MAC65. Version 2.51 with Docs. (35320 bytes)
KAsm65 Source Code Assembler source code for KASM65 Version 2.51. Requires KASM executable above to assemble. (59597 bytes)
KLink65 1.51 Linker that will combine object modules from KASM65 or RA65 (CC65 assembler) as well as library modules generated by libr65 (cc65 library manager) to produce an atari eight bit executable. Can serve as a replacement to link65 (CC65's linker). This version allows 64 files instead of 16 and fixes a few bugs and adds a few enchancements. Version 1.51 with Docs(10905 bytes)
KLink65 1.51 Source Code Source Code for KLink version 1.51. Can be assembled with KASM. Version 1.51 (26669 bytes)
KEdit Text Editor designed to accompany KASM65. Features 40/80 columns on screen. Horizonal scrolling ACTION! type editor. Keyboard macro capability. Version 1.51. Version 1.53 will be here soon (24699 bytes)

My Games

Burger Boy Burger Time type game. Action Game with custom runtime module. I am still looking for where I put the disk with the Action source code. (33195 bytes)
Burger Boy Editor source Burger Time type game no-frills Editor. Action source code and docs in MSDOS format I am still looking for my disk with the executable and better docs (4658 bytes)
PacMunch Jr Horizonally scrolling ML maze game. Gee, wonder what it is like? ML Game.
Mr. Fish Guess what? You got gills and swim under water. ML Game. (9863 bytes)
Mr. Fish Source Assembly Source Code for Mr. Fish. Assemble with KASM. (25033 bytes) Maybe someone can determine why it doesn't run correctly on XL-IT.
Circle of Richness Wheel of Fortune type game. Puzzles can be changed. Action game with custom runtime module. 16273 bytes
Circle of Richness Action Source Action Source for Circle of Richness. I am not sure of WHEEL.ACT or WHEEL2.ACT is newer so both are includedAction game with custom runtime module. 14725 bytes


When I have time, I am currently working on an update to CC65 cross compiler to support long and float data types. I am also hoping to be able to add ANSI type function definitions and seperate name spaces for different identifier types. I am still in a very early stage.

Other things I would like to do include and HTML viewer or a serial interface that can faster than 19200 baud.

Atari 8-bit Links

The Atari 8-Bit Homepage Big Atari 8bit Home Page Umich Atari 8bit Archive
Antic - The Atari Resource Atari 8 CD Morbid Guy's Atari 8-bit Manual Archive
Atari Emulator Utilities Atari Technical Information A.P.E. Homepage
XL Search Emulators Inc. (XFormer) Justin's
BRiTiSH Underground Atari 130xe Atari 8-bit Resort
Closer to Home 6502 Cross Assembler Pokey Emulator

Atari 8-bit Computer and Peripheral Emulators

* * * * * PC Atari 8-bit Computer Emulators * * * * *
XLIT 0.20 Download
The most compatable Atari 8-bit Emulator. Copyrighted but free.
XFORMER 3.60 Download Home Page The fastest emulator. You can also legally get the OS and Basic ROMs in this archive. Copyrighted but free.
POKEY 0.62 Download Home Page Had potential and looked promising, but was discontinued early. Copyrighted but free.
Atari 800
Homepage Source Available. FREE - GNU license .
Atari 800 Win
Home Page Emulator for Win95/NT and DirectX
Rainbow Download
Rainbow Demo version for Windows 95. Is this still available or being developed?
* * * Atari 8-bit Computer Emulators for other systems * * *
Atari 800
Home Page Source Available. For Dos, X11, and Amiga. FREE - GNU license
Rainbow Download
For Mac. Is this still available or being developed?
* * * * PC Atari 8-bit Peripheral Emulators * * * *
Homepage Simulates Atari Drives, Printers, and Modems on a PC. Slightly crippled shareware
SIO2PC Download
The original Atari Disk Drive/Printer Emulator for PC's by Nick Kennedy. Version 4.10. Shareware.
WAV2CAS & CAS2SIO Download
Converts WAV files of atari cassete files into .CAS format. You can then access these images on a real atari using CAS2SIO using an SIO2PC interface. By Ernest R. Schreurs. Free.
will add more stuff here later

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Last updated 12/28/97