atari 1450xld

oto list opisujacy jeden z prototypow 1450xld

I used to own one of the engineering prototypes (#5) that had a TONG version of the motherboard. Before I sold it, to a very good friend for his collection hobby, I did make copies of the ROMs. The machine I had the following items:

That's about all I can remember at this time about the machine. I do have the OS EPROM and the PBI handler EPROM images. The handler EPROM had the PBI handlers for the T:, V:, and D: handlers (which are the modem, voice, and disk drive). The machine had in it Basic revision C. The schematics I have say 1450XLD on them but I found really apply to the 1400XL (which I also have one of those) because it doesn't have the drive controller on the schematic or the SSI-263 chip. If I remember right the schematic probably covered a different 1450XLD board from the TONG version I had.
Glenn Bruner

Colorado Springs, CO

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krAp, Thu Dec 26 18:04:52 MET 1996