From!!!!btnet-feed2!btnet!!demon!!!!!!!news Tue Nov 12 13:51:22 1996 Path:!!!!btnet-feed2!btnet!!demon!!!!!!!news From: (David A. Paterson) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.8bit Subject: 320x192, 8 colors Date: 10 Nov 1996 00:11:45 GMT Organization: Fnord Lines: 124 Message-ID: <5636k1$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.8 (16bit) Looking through my archives, I found the following... think it may be of some interest... Date: 4 Feb 91 13:53:22 GMT (Jesper Buhl) Subject: HiRes+8Colours for the 130(65)xe ... Okay, upon an infinity number of request, here's the first program, supplying the Atari 130xe with 8 colours/greyshades in 320x192 pixels resolution (or 4096 in 80x192). I made a little interface, allowing the routines to be called from BASIC, but those of you who can see what's going on, shouldn't need it. Anyway, IF you want to use BASIC at the same time, do not use the normal graphics statements, and do not press the 'Reset' key, since the fast & efficent Atari BASIC will overwrite both image and mcl storage. To activate the utility, run "RUNME.480", and when ready, use DUMMY = USR(19984). Hereafter you can switch back to the normal screen by typing DUMMY = USR(20018), or plot a point with the (constant!) function DUMMY = USR(20040, X, Y, C), 0 <= X <= 319, 0 <= Y <= 191, 0 <= C <= 7, where 'C' is given by C | color | R | G | B 0 | black | | | 1 | blue | | | + 2 | green | | + | 3 | cyan | | + | + 4 | red | + | | 5 | violet| + | | + 6 | yellow| + | + | 7 | white | + | + | + The colors R, G, B are located at 12290, 12289, 12291, and will have to be changed on a NTSC TV set (I believe). If you want more colors ( = less resolution) try POKE 623, 64*N, 0 <= N <= 3, but note that this takes no effect on the plot routine. > RUNME.480: 0 POKE 742, 47 1 POKE 741, 255 2 CLR 3 PRINT " Booting VISUAL480 ..." 4 RUN "D:VIDEO480.L" > VIDEO480.L: 100 ? " VISUAL 480II videogenerator" 110 ? "<3DOWN>For quadruple colored hires graphics." 120 ? "<2DOWN>Idea and implementation: Jesper Buhl." 130 POS. 2,34:? "Generating videocontroller II ... "; 200 REM v2.0, released 9102041409, 500 REM PLACE DATA IN BLOCK #0 510 CLR : RESTORE 1020 520 FOR A=12288 TO 12297:READ B:POKE A,B:NEXT A 600 REM PLACE PRGS IN BLOCK #1 610 FOR A=19984 TO 20172:READ B:POKE A,B:NEXT A 700 FOR A=20224 TO 20264:READ B:POKE A,B:NEXT A 800 READ B:IF 0<=B THEN POKE A,B:A=A+1:GOTO 800 810 IF B= 1 THEN ? "File presumed ok.":END 820 C= B:READB 830 FOR D=1TOB:POKE A+D 1,C:NEXT D 840 A=A+D 1:GOTO 800 1000 REM COUNT, COLOURS & MSB'S 1010 REM (12288, BLOCK#0) 1020 DATA 0,182,52,132,80,112,48,96,128,64 1030 REM 2000 REM DISPLAY/CANCEL/PLOT, 2010 REM DLI/DLIST 2020 REM (19984/20018/20040, 20224 BLOCK#1) 2030 DATA 104,141,47,2,141,197,2,141,0,2,169,79,141,1,2,141,49,2,169,41,141,48,2,161,1 92,141,14,212,169,34,141,47,2,96 2040 REM 2050 DATA 104,169,64,141,14,212,169,32,141,48,2,169,156,141,49,2,169,10,141, 197,2,96 2060 REM 2070 DATA 104,104,133,204,104,133,203,41,7,133,207,162,3,70,204,102,203,202,208,249,24 ,165,203,105,16,133,203,165,204 2080 DATA 105,48,133,204,104,133,206,133,208,104,72,162,5,10,38,206,202,208, 250,133,205,104,162,3,10,38,208,202,208,250 2090 DATA 24,101,205,133,205,165,206,101,208,133,206,24,165,203,101,205,133, 203,165,204,101,206,133,204,169,128,166,207 2100 DATA 240,4,74,202,208,252,133,207,73,255,133,208,104,162,3,160,0,177,203, 37,208,145,203,104,74,72,144,6,177,203 2110 DATA 5,207,145,203,165,204,24,105,32,133,204,202,208,229,104,96 2120 REM 2130 DATA 141,10,212,72,138,72,174,0,48,189,1,48,141,198,2,189,4,48,141,46,79, 189,7,48,141,150,79,232,224,3,208,2 2130 DATA 162,0,142,0,48,104,170,104,64 2150 REM 2160 DATA 112,3,79,16,80, 15,101,79,0,96, 15,88,143,65,41,79, 1 Happy typing ( : By the way: It seems that americans HAVE to have the prior written permission before copying anything this is hereby granted. When I get a little sparetime, I'll post the 80 column screen editor. Jesper Buhl/ Computer Science Department, University of Aarhus, Denmark -- David A. Paterson -- I was told we'd cruise the seas for American gold We'd fire no guns! Shed no tears! Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier The last of Barrett's privateers. - Stan Rogers