Hang Ten Dude!!!
The image you see above is the only known copy of "Surf's Up" by Amiga for the Atari 2600. This game was announced but was never released. Classic gamers may be familiar with Amiga's other release, Mogul Maniac. Like Mogul Maniac, Surf's Up looks as if it was intended to be used in conjunction with the joyboard controller as well. Below is an image showing the internals of the prototype. It is a bankswitched game and apparently used the same scheme that Atari bankswitch releases used. For completeness, I would have liked to have shown some screen shots. Unfortunately, due to my lack of funds and electronic knowledge, I am unable to do so. If someone could get me a screen shot image off a videotape, I would gladly send them a copy of the video tape.
The images you see below are Atari Lynx prototypes of unreleased games. All, but Road Riot appear to be incomplete. The game play of Rod Riot leaves alot to be desired and it is understandable why it wasn't released. Marlboro Man (actually the title screen says Marlboro Go) is a bit of surprise. It appears to have all the trimmings of a cigarette add without mentioning or showing a cigarette. The title screens include similar art found on Marlboro cigarette packaging. The gameplay wreaks!!!! I am personally surprised to see that Atari let the game development go this far given the fact that they had anti-drug campaign slogans on the game packaging and sales brochures. Dragnet is based upon the movie Dragnet. Actually, there is nothing to do but plug the cart in and watch the fussy screen (no graphics to speak of are displayed) and listen to the theme song repeat itself over and over. Of al these games, Loopz is the most fun. Although it is incomplete, what is playable is very good. I can't quite understand why this game wasn't finished. It is a very nice puzzle game and would have complemented the Lynx library very well.

The image presented is an Atari lab prototype of Quadrun. I am told that this version varies slightly in regards to sound and/or gameplay compared to the other protos and final released game of the same name. Not having the opportunity to play the others, I cannot comment on this.

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