Welcome to le Geek! Your "Stop 'n Go" for all your geek needs. Actually, le Geek is all about videogames and game emulation, but there are some non-video game related resources in nON-vID. |
What's New? as of 11/5/97
wHAT's hERE |
Le Geek is organized into sections for Atari 2600, Commodore 64, (Super) Nintendo, Playstation, Arcade, and (if it doesn't fit) Miscellaneous. |
What are the best games; the games you'd like to be playing right now? That's what this site is all about. If you have a favorite game that's not listed, please click here to fill out a form. |
Don't zip off yet, but here are few good general links.. |
oDE 2 yAK |
I'd kick myself if I didn't mention Yak. Jeff Minter, as he is known in the real world, is a coder. He writes "kick-butt" action games. I got familiar with his work through his masterpiece, "Tempest 2000" for the Atari Jaguar. |
Emulators are now available for many of the older computers, game consoles, and arcade machines
that we played when we were younger. They are written by fans of the games (and systems)
and involve a great deal of work to create.
In le Geek, I try to credit authors of games and emulators, but it is often the case that many different people have put time and effort into making an emulation possible. I would personally like to thank everyone who is or has worked on emulating these games on today's PCs. Thank you! That said, here are some excellent emulation resources.. |
EMU News Service | The EMU news service keeps track of the emulation scene with daily updates and is a good link to check out often. Also features a large emulation links page. |
Atmospherical Heights | Atmospherical Heights is an excellent emulator site. Be sure to check out their MAME page. |
Also try.. |
maintained by Ben Langberg - bdlangbe@mailbox.syr.edu
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