Atari Memo Pad (AMP) began like most other things, with an idea. With Atari users in the minority, there are not many Atari specific magazines to chose from, so I decided to start my own. What you are looking at is the final product of this endeavor.
Article contributions are encouraged, since I cannot possibly fill the magazine on my own. If you would like to contribute, please contact me at If you cannot send Internet e-mail, I can be reached through US Postal Mail at:
Atari Memo Pad 350 South Barron Street Kenton, Ohio 43326Letters to the editor can be sent to the same address, but please begin the subject line with "LETTERS:" (or put C/O Letters to the Editor, if you are sending it through regular mail.) All letters addressed in the manner will be considered for publishing in an upcoming issue, so if you don't want something published in the letters section, don't put "LETTERS: (or C/O Letters to the Editor)" in the subject line!! Letters must include your full name, and your address will not be printed in AMP.
Published by Ryan Collins