M.E.S.S. - Multi-Emulator Super System Copyright (C) 1998 by the MESS team DOS/Windows How to Contact Us ----------------- The current port maintainer for the DOS/Windows version is Mike Balfour (mab22@po.cwru.edu). However, these responsibilities will be transferred shortly. DON'T SEND BINARY ATTACHMENTS WITHOUT ASKING FIRST, *ESPECIALLY* ROM IMAGES. THESE ARE NOT SUPPORT ADDRESSES. Support questions sent to these addresses *will* be ignored. Please understand that this is a *free* project, mostly targeted at experienced users. We don't have the resources to provide end user support. Basically, if you can't get the emulator to work, you are on your own. First of all, read the docs carefully. If you still can't find an answer to your question, try checking the beginner's sections that many emulation pages have, or ask on the appropriate Usenet newsgroups (e.g. comp.emulators.misc) or on the emulation message boards (e.g. http://www.escape.com/~ego/dave/console/). Also, DO NOT SEND REQUESTS FOR NEW SYSTEMS TO ADD, unless you have some original info on the hardware or, even better, have the technical expertise needed to help us. Please don't send us information widely available on the Internet - we are perfectly capable of finding it ourselves, thank you. Usage ----- MESS [system name] [image names] [options] for example MESS trs80_m3 will run the TRS80 Model III with no images MESS nes zelda.nes will run Zelda on the Nintendo MESS coleco dkong.rom -soundcard 0 will run Donkey Kong on the Colecovision without sound MESS trs80 boot.dsk arcade1.dsk will run the TRS80 with two disks loaded options: -scanlines/-noscanlines (default: -scanlines) if the default mode doesn't work with your monitor/video card (double image/picture squashed vertically), use -noscanlines or -vesa. -vesa/-novesa (default: -novesa) Decides wether to use tweaked VGA modes or standard VESA modes. Note that some hires games require VESA modes, -novesa is ignored in this case. -ntsc a 288x224 mode with standard NTSC frequencies. You need some additional hardware (VGA2TV converter) to make use of this. -vesa1 discontinued. use -vesa -vesa2b discontinued. use -vesa -vesa2l discontinued. use -vesa -resolution XxY where X and Y are width and height (ex: '-resolution 800x600') MESS goes some lengths to autoselect a good resolution. You can override MESS's choice with this option. You can use -XxY (e.g. -800x600) as a shortcut. Frontend authors are advised to use -resolution XxY, however. -320 discontinued. Use -320x240. If you get an error '320x240 not supported', you probably need Scitech's Display Doctor, which provides the 'de facto' standard VESA implementaion (http://www.scitechsoft.com) Note: this is a nice alternative to '-640x480 -noscanlines' -400 same as above, use -400x300 -512 same as above, use -512x384 -640 same as above, use -640x480 -800 same as above, use -800x600. -1024 same as above, use -1024x768 -skiplines N since many games use a screen taller than 240 lines, they won't fit in the screen. The parameter 'N' sets the initial number of lines to skip at the top of the screen. You can adjust the position while the game is running using the PGUP and PGDN keys. -skipcolumns N same as above but moves the screen horizontally. This is rarely used since the screen usually fits in the screen. To adjust the position at run time, use SHIFT + PGUP/PGDN. -double/-nodouble (default: auto) use nodouble to disable pixel doubling in VESA modes (faster, but smaller picture). Use double to force pixel doubling when the image doesn't fit in the screen (you'll have to use PGUP and PGDN to scroll). -depth n (default: 16) Some games need 65k color modes to get accurate graphics. To improve speed, you can turn that off using -depth 8, which limits to the standard 256 color modes. -vgafreq n where n can be 0 (default) 1, 2 or 3. use different frequencies for the custom video modes. This could reduce flicker, especially in the 224x288noscanlines mode. WARNING: THE FREQUENCIES USED MIGHT BE WAY OUTSIDE OF YOUR MONITOR RANGE, AND COULD EVEN DAMAGE IT. USE THESE OPTIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK. -vsync/-novsync (default: -novsync) syncronize video display with the video beam instead of using the timer. This option can only be used if the selected video mode has an appropriate refresh rate; MESS will otherwise refuse to start, telling you the actual refresh rate of the video mode, and the rate it should have. If you are using a tweaked mode, MESS will try to automatically pick the correct setting for -vgafreq; you can still override it using the -vgafreq option. Note: the 224x288 noscanlines mode doesn't work on most cards. This mode is used by many games, e.g. Pac Man and Galaga. If it doesn't work on your card, either use the scanlines version, or don't use -vsync. If you are using a VESA mode you should use the program which came with your video card to set the appropriate refresh rate. Note that when this option is turned on, speed will NOT downgrade nicely if your system is not fast enough (i.e.: jerkier gameplay). -soundcard n select sound card (if this is not specified, you will be asked interactively) -sr n set the audio sample rate. The default is 22050. Smaller values (e.g. 11025) will cause lower audio quality but faster emulation speed. Higher values (e.g. 44100) will cause higher audio quality but slower emulation speed. -sb n set the audio sample bits, either 8 or 16. The default is 8. 16 will increase quality with certain games, but decrease speed. This is a software setting, not hardware. The sound card will always be used in 16 bit mode, if possible. -joy n/-nojoy (default: -nojoy) allow joystick input, n can be: 0 - normal 2 button joystick 1 - CH Flightstick Pro 2 - Stick/Pad with 4 buttons 3 - Stick/Pad with 6 buttons 4 - dual joysticks 5 - Wingman Extreme (or Wingman Warrior without spinner) Press F7 to calibrate the joystick. Calibration data will be saved in mess.cfg. If you're using different joytypes for different games, you may need to recalibrate your joystick every time. When calibrating two analog joysticks, move both at the same time! -fm/-nofm (default: -nofm) use the SoundBlaster OPL chip for music emulation in some games. This is faster, but emulation is less faithful. -log create a log of illegal memory accesses in ERROR.LOG -help, -? display current mess version and copyright notice -list display a list of currently supported games -listfull display a list of game directory names + description -listdetails display a detailed list of drivers and the hardware they use -mouse/-nomouse (default: -mouse) enable/disable mouse support -frameskip n skip frames to speed up the emulation. For example, if the game normally runs at 60 fps, "-frameskip 1" will make it run at 30 fps, and "-frameskip 2" at 20 fps. Use F11 to check the speed your computer is actually reaching. If the game is too slow, increase the frameskip value. Note that this setting can also affect audio quality (some games sound better, others sound worse). Maximum value for frameskip is 3. -cheat Cheats like the speedup in Pac Man or the level skip in many other games are disabled by default. Use this switch to turn them on. -debug Activate the integrated debugger. During the emulation, press tilde to enter the debugger. -record name Record joystick input on file INP/name.inp. -playback name Playback joystick input from file INP/name.inp. -savecfg no longer supported at the moment -ignorecfg ignore mess.cfg and start with the default settings The following keys work in all emulators: Tab Enter configuration menu. Press Tab or Esc to get back to the emulation. P Pause F3 Reset F4 Show the game graphics. Use cursor keys to change set/color, F4 or Esc to return to the emulation. F7 Calibrate the joystick F8 Change frame skip on the fly (60, 30, 20, or 15) F10 Toggle speed throttling F11 Toggle speed display F12 Save a screen snapshot. The default target directory is PCX, you have to create it yourself, it will not be created by the program if it isn't there. numpad +/- Volume adjust left shift + numpad +/- Gamma correction adjust ESC Exit emulator