The standard command set of 1050 (810) drives: $52 R Read sector $50 P Write sector $57 W Write sector with verify $53 S get controller status, returns 4 bytes byte 0 drive status bit 0 - Command frame error bit 1 - Checksum error bit 2 - Operation error bit 3 - Write protect bit 4 - Motor on bit 5 - double density bit 6 - unused bit 7 - Dual (medium) density byte 1 controller status, returned values are inverted bit 0 - busy bit 1 - drq bit 2 - lost data bit 3 - crc error bit 4 - record not found bit 5 - record type bit 6 - write protect bit 7 - not ready byte 2 time-out (format); $e0 byte 3 unused; always 0 $21 ! format disk (single for 810 and stock 1050) as defined by CMD $4f for upgraded 1050 and XF 551 (heard, that they will give back 128/256 bytes?) $22 " format enhanced (medium, dual) density (1050) Special 1050 diagnostic commands: $23 special diagnostic command, must be followed by CMD $24 first byte is the command $00 RPM-measurement $01 motor speed-up time $02 step-rate $03 do half-steps $04 write-test $05 seek on track $24 get results of $23 CMD These are supported by all double density drives: $4e N read drive configuration; returns 12 bytes byte 0 number of tracks [1 for harddisks) byte 1 step rate byte 2 sectors/track high (total number for harddisks) byte 3 sectors/track low byte 4 number of heads decreased by one byte 5 format (0=FM; 4=MFM) byte 6 bytes/sector high byte 7 bytes/sector low byte 8 drive activated bytes 9-11 unused $4f O write drive configuration; see above $3f ? get high-speed-index Happy, US-Doubler, HDI (Germany) return $0a Speedy (Germany) returns $09 Special Speedy (Germany) commands: $20 format automatically, acts like $21, but computer has not to wait until drive is ready $51 stop write command, writes all data from internal buffer to disk, stop motor then $44 configure drive/track display $4b configure slow/fast $4c direct jump command for internal processor of 1050 jumps to location stored in DAUX, $30a $4d jump, as above, but drive sends a "COMPLETE" before jumping $41 add/remove command to/from internal command table $68 get length of internal high-speed-SIO-subroutine $69 send high-speed-SIO-routine to computer $60 write track, writes complete track $62 read track US-Doubler: $66 format disk with special sector-skew