Newsgroups: Subject: MS Return of Arcade: Mini-Review From: Mark Androvich Date: 4 Apr 96 09:06:52 -0800 After hearing rumors that Return of Arcade was being re-worked after the success of William's emulated Arcade Classics, I wondered if this would be the case. Sadly, it is not. The Return of Arcade games are not emulated. Return of Arcade features Pac-Man, Galaxian, Dig-Dug and Pole Position. It is for WIN95 ONLY, and comes on 3 disks for $29.99. The game histories, my favorite part of the original MS Arcade, are very sketchy. Instead of quotes from the actual programmers or designers, there are brief "press releases" from Namco which all seem about the same-- "We knew we had a hit when people lined up outside the arcade to play it." No other information, such as the production sketches and videos featured on William's Arcade Classics, is included. The games themselves are good translations, featuring the original music. Unfortunately, they cannot be played in full-screen size (as in MS Arcade) only small windows. Dig-Dug is probably the best of the bunch, followed by Pac-Man. Galaxian has a lot of movement which slows the game down (firing, your ship moving, aliens flying, aliens moving side to side, etc). Pole Position is so unresponsive that it is almost unplayable. It just doesn't capture the feeling of movement that the arcade game had, and the controls are very sluggish. If Namco's Museum Vol. 1, featuring Galaga, Pac-Man, Rally-X and Pole Position among others-- ever makes it to the PC, you might want to hold out for it since those games are emulated. Or, better yet, buy a PlayStation and get William's Arcade Classics and Namco's Museaum Vol. 1 and 2 (with Mappy and Xevious). Classic gamers might enjoy MS Return of Arcade in order to play versions of Dig-Dug and Pac-Man on their PC's at home (or work?). But most of us already own better home versions (5200, 7800, Atari 8-bit) of all these games. If they had only included Mappy or Xevious, there would have been a better reason to buy it... Mark Androvich