Classic Home Videogames Museum: Texts and Pictures

[Note: all items specific to a system have been moved
to that system's page--get to it from this
New Stuff
The Atari Quest by Chris Bieniek, published in the January 1996
issue of Ultimate Gamer. Each page is a JPG of about 50k. If you
want good quality, buy the original!
Yet-Unclassified Cool Things
- APF Imagination Machine
- Picture of many cartridges
Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, XEGS
Odyssey2, Intellivision, C64, ColecoVision
PCjr, TI 99/4A, NES
Notice how similar the Intellivision and C64 carts look. This
has confused many a collector!
- Picture of handheld games
Football, Frogger, and Turtles
Funny Stuff
Some of this stuff isn't supposed to be funny. . .
Computer-Related Texts and Pictures
Strategy Guides
Go back to lobby
Dennis Brown,,
creator and maintainer. E-Mail me with corrections and additions.
All contents copyright 1997, Dennis Brown. All trademarks are properties
of their respective companies.