| A T A R I 8 - B I T
Here's a collection of cool little demos for the Atari 8-bit. By far
not the best demos, but interesting nonetheless.
Bob TestA simple page-flipped animation of balls using TurboBASIC XL.Every frame, the screen is flipped to another "page" and the moving ball is added to it. This makes the effect of an endless trailing flow of balls. Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: bobtest.arc
Color BarsA ColorView image of television color bars generated in TurboBASIC XL.Requires TurboBASIC XL and ColrView 2.5. Download: cbarmake.tbs
CellsA "life"-like cellular mitosis simulation. Cells reproduce if they have enough "energy" (which they can extract from cells around them or from energy supplies) and there's an empty space next to them.Different settings are available to better or worsen the cells' situation. Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: cells.arc
Didi 7Strange digitized sound sample demo with clips from the Didi 7 infomercial.Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: didi7.arc
DollManDigitized music sample demo with clips from a song from the movie "Doll Man."Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: dollman.arc
FireA realtime simulation of fire! Written in Action!, source code included.Download: fire.arc
Happy MondaysDigitized music sample demo with clips from a song by the Happy Mondays.Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: hpymndys.arc
James BrownThree digitized music and sound sample demos with clips from songs by James Brown.Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: jbrown.arc
Knives and ForksDigitized music sample demo with clips from the song "Knives and Forks" by Information Society.Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: knvsfrks.arc
StarsA very "Star Raiders" style 3D starfield effect. Written in Action!, source code included.Download: stars.arc
StimpyStrange digitized sound sample demo using clips from the TV show Ren & Stimpy.Requires TurboBASIC XL. Download: stimpy.arc
T-1000An animation of the T-1000 from "Terminator 2" morphing.Uses Graphics 9 (80x192x16 greys). Uses TurboBASIC XL's runtime (supplied). Download: t1000b.arc
(c) 1993-1998 New Breed Software
(c) 1992-1998
New Breed Software