Tempest 2000Turn out the lights, turn up the volume and prepare for a mind-blowing assault on the senses. Once your neurotransmitters get a taste of the hypnotic rhythms of 100% pure techno-rave, you'll be hooked...Unable to escape the rush of blasting Flippers and Demon Heads as enhanced 3D polygons, screaming particle displays and hyperdelic Melt-O-Vision graphics warp you into the ultraviolent 64th Dimension...
PLAYERS: 1 or 2 PUBLISHER: Atari Corporation DEVELOPED BY: LlamaSoft At a glance...
Tempest 2000 - REVIEWT2K is the reason I bought the Jaguar in the first place. And after 3 years, I don't regret it!Jeff Minter outdid himself with this one. You start off with four game modes. Traditional Tempest is the closest you could ever get to the arcade classic. All visual elements are there including the sound effects. I even tested the game's authenticity and see if the 'invisible' level would live up to the arcade version, and well, after many deaths, the wait was worth it. Tempest Plus offers a mixture of the traditional and 2000 modes. I would suggest this mode for those that are new to the game, as it offers an AI droid to help as well as two-player action. Tempest 2000 is where the game lives. More enemies, improved graphics and animation, bonus warp rounds, who could ask for more? Tempest Duel is a trademark of what Minter calls "throw-ins" - a version of the game with a twist. Battle the web against a friend, and experience a new meaning of head-to-head combat. Your screen is split vertically, with the exact same web level on each side. Each player controls their side of the web, and shoots attempting to kill the other. Excitement does not begin to describe this mode, and one must play it in order to get the full-effect. T2K, in my opinion, is what kept the Jaguar from dying early on. With superb graphics, playability, game control, and music, if additional games of this calibre had been released, the Jaguar would have still been considered a serious competitor in the v/game arena! Tempest 2000 contains some awesome Techno-rave tracks created by Imagitec Design-- Enjoy! |
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