Ramdisk Project

Coming REAL soon!

Started in 1994, and currently being revived. A DOS-independent ramdisk utility that will use your extra RAM. Easily configurable (I hope) to be able to use as much extra RAM as you've got or as much as you want to use. I initialy started to write this in order to satisfy 2 ambitions:

Features: Its got some quite nifty features too. Such as allowing you to reboot and maintain the ramdisk, and even reboot from the ramdisk. You can have multiple ramdisks active at one time, splitting up your expanded RAM banks between them. Each ramdisk is assigned a drive identifier in the usual way (i.e. D1: D2: D3: etc.), all this is done from a configuration file, so there is no need to make any coding changes to achieve any of this. The ramdisks can be renumbered on the fly, and you can even swap their identifier with a physical drive. For example if D1 is your physical drive and D2 your ramdisk, you can have all calls to D1 go to your ramdisk and all calls to D2 to your physical drive without changing any of the switches on the back of your 810/1050/XF551...

On the down side it does need to switch the OS from ROM to RAM, and so will not work with any other program that uses that RAM for other purposes, such as Turbo Basic... still you can't have everything. Plus it only supports one address for bank switching, this defaults to 54017 (PORTB), but that can be modified to suit your computer. Version 1.1 of Ramdrive may support 2 bank switching addresses (for REALLY big ramdisks), but lets get version 1.0 out of the door first. =)

The following will be links to the manuals for Ramdrive 1.0, nothing there yet, but they have been written, and just need to be uploaded and spell checked.

The following link will point to the executable itself, this has been written and is working, but still needs to be uploaded. It will be here soon (honest)

Ramdrive 1.0

The following links will point to several configuration files available for Ramdrive 1.0. Ramdrive has 2 configuration files, RAMDRIVE.CFG and RAMDRIVE.CPY. The first identifies you expansion type (bank size, address, number of banks, etc), and sets up your ramdrives ready for use. The second formats your ramdrives and copies files and/or sectors onto them. Allowing you to set up your ramdrive(s) to meet your own needs.