The first (I think) of the home video game systems with plug-in game cartridges, and I still own one. I haven't set it up in years, though with the wave of nostalgia I'm on for these things, maybe I will. The first cart we had, besides combat (which was a riot with two players) was Adventure. The first easter-egg I ever saw was the "microdot" that lets you into the secret room. What a thrill it was when we finally figured out how to do it. Though we never got the dozens of carts I desired, we had a bunch, and we had a lot of fun. There are several emulators available for this old beastie.
Stella | Stella is an Atari 2600 emulator (duh, or it wouldn't be in this setion). Stella has been ported to several platforms, including OS/2, MS-DOS, Linux, Power Mac, UNIX/X, Windows 95 & Windows NT. The prime mover behind this emulator is Bradford Mott who has put together a slick package. He has collaborators for Stella on other operating systems. |
PC Atari |
PC Atari seems to be faster than Stella under MS-DOS, and
it has sound! It was a thrill when I fired up "Adventure" and picked up the first key. Zap, suddenly it's 1979 again. The emulator instantly became much more visceral for me. You can contact the author, John Dullea, by clicking on his name in this sentence. Of all the 2600 emus I've looked at so far, PC Atari is the leader of the pack. Great compatibility, nice front end, and reasonably speedy. |
A26 | Although I haven't played with this one to any real extent, my first impression of it is fast. The author, Paul Robson, says that the emulator is written entirely in assembly, and I believe him. It is small and it is speedy. |
VCS 2600 | The first thing you need to know about this emulator is that the download is large. One point twenty-one gigabytes. Well, actually, a mere 1.9 MB. Big. The author is Thomas Djafari. The second thing is that VESA 2 is highly recommended. I don't have VESA and therefore I'm not in a good position to judge this emulator. |
Virtual VCS | This emulator, written by Dan Boris, is highly sluggish on my system (admittedly slow PC) compared to most of the others. Setting a high frame skip rate helps, but then it is very jumpy. Dan also says he is more-or-less discontinuing development on this project due to the recent flood of emulators. |
Last modified December 10, 1996.