Where borders meet, conflict erupts. No race is completely blameless as the warring escalates to culminate in the destruction of a million worlds and the slaughter of a billion sentient beings.
Habitable planets are rare, however, and the leaders
of the races realize that if hostilities continue,
it will be impossible to survive on any world.
The triumphant race will be allowed to colonize freely; each of the remaining races will be confined to its original, dying homeworld forevermore... |
Here's the new cover art, made by Doug. This is the low-res version, but it's still awesome! Scott and Steph really like the Claw (Oppressor ship) in the foreground! Tom says he does, too! Click on the small version to see a larger one... |
Oh yeah, please fill out our Battle Sphere feedback form! We'd really appreciate getting an idea of how many carts people will want... |
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