NEWSLETTER January, 1997


President's Corner

By Mike Fitzpatrick Jan., 1997

The Christmas Party went well and it was great to see some of the former members of SPACE in attendance. Many thanks to all who made the party a success, especially Mike Wiest who handled the sign up sheet plus many other unsung deeds.

January starts a new year. So please bring suggestions to the club meeting on what you'd like the club to do in 1997.

Have you tried the Video 61 BBS? The BBS phone # is 462-3680. Give them a call and say hi.

While on the subject of BBS's I've downloaded a listing of Atari BBS's for possible and/or future enclosure in the Newsletter.

See you the 10th of January.

Treasurer's Report

by Greg Leitner

Well, this report ends another year for us diehard Atarians and what a way to end it. The Christmas party was a smashing success and everyone had a great time. The selection of food was unbelievable and anyone who went hungry after that feast probably did more talking than eating.

The Club ended up the year on a high note to the tune of $625.12 balance in our Club's account. The only expense that remains unpaid at year end is the fourth quarter room rental of $105.00 due right after the first of the new year.

We took in $48.00 in software and blank disk sales and our only expense in December was $12.02 for the newsletter. Unfortunately, we didn't have any new or renewed memberships in the month but we still increased our bank balance from November.

I have to keep this short because I am still trying to get everything ready for our family Christmas. I hope each and every one of you and your families had very happy holidays and I wish that we will have another successful year in 1997. See you all in January.

Minutes Of Space Meeting

Dec. 13th, 1996

Space meeting opened at 7:35 PM. Mike Fitzpatrick, club president welcomed members and guests to the December meeting and Christmas Party. Mike said meeting would be short.

Mike asked if there were any comments on November Space minutes and treasurer report. Greg Leinter, club treasurer, said 4th quarter room rent, in amount of $105 is due at end of December. Motion made to approve minutes and treasurer report, approved.

OLD BUSINESS- Space club will pay to rent BBS. space from Lance Ringquist's BBS. Lance will post his BBS. phone no.


Meeting adjourned at 7:36 PM. Space party followed meeting.

Mike Weist Club Secretary

Space Christmas Party
December 13, 1996

It was the night before the annual Space Christmas party and all through my house, nothing was stirring except the Big Tom Turkey roasting in my oven.

As we can all remember, our annual Christmas party was canceled by Mother Nature last year and was held at our January meeting. But we did have a fun Christmas party last year.

This year we had no trouble with Mother Nature. Around 30 people showed up this year. Members were treated to a 30 foot table full of delicious food. Everything from turkey and ham to salads (including Ray Wafer's famous potato salad), chips, two large cakes (supplied by the Fitzpatricks) and to wash it down ice cold pop (supplied by Greg Leinter).

Like in other years it was a time to have a fun time, talk Atari talk, and eat GOOD! We had a few special people join us at the Christmas Party. They were Steve Nelson and his wife, Amos Jackson and his wife, Gary Barnes and his wife, Willie Rora, and Tim Guerin. Glad to see you all, stop in and join us at a future meeting.

A special thanks goes out to the Christmas Party committee, especially Mike and Earline Fitzpatrick. Earline's hard work in the kitchen before the party was appreciated. Those cakes were delicious!!!!! And a special thanks goes out to all the members who showed up, to make this a fun Christmas Party.

Mike Weist


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: February 12, 1997