NEWSLETTER February, 1997


President's Corner

By Mike Fitzpatrick Feb., 1997

Sorry to have missed the January meeting but your president took a hard fall off his icy front stoop and really bruised his leg pretty badly.

Have you tried the Video 61 BBS? They are doing a good job and are trying to make a very neat place to come and visit. I highly recommend the visit. They are at 462-3680.

Anyone in the club familiar with the various spreadsheets available to the classic 8-bit Atari? Have had a request from "Red" one of our members who winters (grr!) in Arizona concerning the formulas used in a spreadsheet. I'll have better data to work with come meeting time.

At the February meeting let's revisit some of the fun activities we've done in prior years and do some of the fun ones again. The Christmas Party with Mike Wiest's idea of inviting former members was fun and maybe we can expand that to a non-meeting picnic-in-the-park, etc. Something to think about.

See you at the February meeting.

BBS News for Jan. 1997

Will have to get with Video-61 to see if the Sysop wants to submit a monthly article.

Treasurer's Report

by Greg Leitner

Let me start off by clearing up a very important matter. Before the November 1996 SPACE meeting a key to our P.O. Box was lost and we were unable to pick up the mail prior to the meeting. Now that wasn't so bad since we had another key and we figured we would just get the November and December mail for the December meeting at the same time. Well, when Glen went to the post Office to pick up the mall he found out that they put our P.O. Box renewal notice in the Box in November instead of mailing it out to us like they had always done in the past. Since forty-five days had elapsed from the time the renewal notice was given, the post Office closed our Box. Luckily, we got tile same P.O. Box number renewed, but all the mail that was in the Box when it was closed was sent back to the senders. So if you are one of the senders who got SPACE mail returned to you, fear not, because SPACE is still alive and doing well despite the Box snafu, whew!! Please keep the newsletters and mall coming to SPACE as we need all the correspondence we can get. Sorry for the unfortunate situation and thank you for your patience.

Now for the Club treasury. We took in only $33.00 for the January meeting. The membership turnout was low because of the severe cold weather, and we met without our President because grandpa Mike had an unfortunate accident due to Mother Nature. Hope you are doing better Mike and we hope to see you and Earline back for the February meeting.

Of the $33.00, we had one membership renewal and sold six Dom's. Our expenses were much higher than normal in January because we had to pay the fourth quarter room rental for 1996, and of course the P.O. Box fee that was due from November. The expenses for January totaled $157.00 and that leaves our balance at $591.12. The good news Is that our major expenses for the next two months are now paid and we can build on our treasury. Maybe if we throw in another auction along the way we can really increase our balance and have some fun along the way.

On closing I just want to say, get well Mike, and don't forget Mid-winter madness in February. See you all on the 14th.

Minutes Of Space Meeting

Dec. 13th, 1996

Space meeting opened at 7:40 PM. Terry Streeter, club vice-president, presided over meeting. Mike Fitzpatrick, club President, suffered a injury and couldn't make the meeting. Terry welcomed members to the meeting

Terry asked for a treasury report by Greg Leinter. Greg said treasury balance as of end of December '96 is $625.12. The 4th quarter room rent was paid out, which was $105 and post office box rental $52. Post office box rental is now paid till June '97. Mike Weist, club secretary, gave a quick recap of December Minutes. No newsletter for January '96 available at meeting.

Terry Streeter, club Vice President, asked for approval of treasury and secretary report.. Approved.

OLD BUSINESS- Discussion of Lance Ringquist's BBS was brought up. Terry Streeter mentioned the club may be able to get around using Lance's BBS., by maybe using another method to transfer files. Several members have on-line services such as AOL. Files can be transferred that way. This will be discussed at next month's club meeting.

NEW BUSINESS- There was a discussion about the CD-ROM for 8-Bit users. Mike Weist talked about the upcoming Mid Winter Madness Show, February 8, 1997 at Blaine Sport Center.

Lance Ringquist has located a 8-bit Atari club in Minneapolis called Classic Games. He has been invited to meeting in future. He plans to attend a meeting soon.

Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM. Mike Weist - Secretary


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: February 12, 1997