President's Corner

Mike Fitzpatrick has stepped down as President of SPACE. He has moved to the Northwest. Look forward to a monthly article from our new President, Terry Streeter.


Treasurer's Report

by Greg Leitner

There was good news and sad news at the April meeting. The good news is that we had a terrific month. Our member turnout was very good and it showed in that we had four memberships paid, DOM sales were good and the Auction was fantastic.

Now for the sad news. We lost two members. We really didn't lose them because they will retain their membership with the Club, but they are moving to Washington and that means we lose their presence. Of course I am speaking of the Fitzpatricks, two members who have always stepped in when the Club was in need and did exceptional jobs. The list of duties that the Fitzpatricks performed over the years, well, I could write a book. l just want to wish the very best to the Fitzpatricks and hope that they will keep in touch.

Getting back to the good news. As I mentioned above we had a good month and the Treasury really shows it. We collected $60.00 in memberships, $27.00 in DOM and blank disk sales, and the big surprise is that the Club netted $100.50 from the Auction. Since our expenses were minimal for the month of April, they being only for the Newsletter and the BBS phone billing which totaled only $33.34, our bank balance took a leap by $154.16 for the month. Our balance went from $439.46 in March to $593.62 in April.

I think the Auctions have become a big part of our Club's success. It seems that our membership fees along with DOM and other miscellaneous sales would not be enough to cover our yearly expenses. I suggest that we do an Auction once a quarter or at least twice a year and I will bring this up at our next meeting in May for discussion.

In parting for this report r would like to thank Terry Streeter for stepping up to the President's position now vacated by Mike Fitzpatrick and also Don Langford for accepting the vice-president's position. It is members such as these two that makes this Club survive our losses. The only question is will we ever have an Ice Cream Social again and who will make the coffee as Earline did so willingly?

Minutes Of Space Meeting

Mar. 14th, 1997

Space meeting opened at 7:35 PM. Space club president, Mike Fitzpatrick, welcomed members to the Space meeting. Greg Leitner, club treasurer, gave a treasury report. Greg said $61 was taken in at last meeting in March 1997. Money was paid out for BBS., newsletter, and quarterly room rent. Greg stressed we must start building up treasury again Treasury balance stands at $439.46

NEW BUSINESS- Mike Fitzpatrick announced that this meeting would be his last meeting and would be stepping down as club president. Mike and his wife Earline will be moving to Washington State to be close to his kids. Mike and Earline will retain their membership with the Space club. Mike and Earline will also keep in contact with the Space club.

Mike Fitzpatrick also stated that Terry Streeter will take over as club president and Don Langford will be club vice-president. Mike asked for the club's approval. Approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Club auction was held after meeting.

Mike Weist, Club Secretary

Good luck Mike and Earline

Don Langford, Greg Leitner, Glenn Kirschenmann, and I were the last people to get out of the April Space meeting. I asked Don Langford when Mike Fitzpatrick became a Space member. Don said it was around the same time he joined in 1989. This was about the same time I became a Space member too!. We all talked about old Space club memories we had.

Mike and Earline Fitzpatrick like other members have done a lot for the Space club. Mike has promoted our club and has provided direction for the Space Club. Mike had the important duties of SYSOP and President of the Space club. Mike's wife has been there to dutifully provide hot coffee at several Space meetings. During Space Christmas and Birthday parties you could find Ear]ine slaving away in the kitchen. Also Mike and Earline would always bring 1 or 2 giant frosted cakes. And let me tell you the cake was delicious!!!!!!!

It is sad to hear that the April 1997 Space meeting is Mike's last meeting as club president because Mike and Earline our moving to Washington State. The Space club will be under a new president and vice-president. Terry Streeter will take over as club president and Don Langford will take over as vice-president. I think they will provide good leadership and direction for the club.

Last of all I would to say THANKS! to Mike and Earline for all their hard work keeping Space Club going. Don't forget us back in Minnesota and if you both are in town in the future, stop by and join us at a Space meeting!!!!!

Mike Weist


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: May 14, 1997