President's Corner

Mike Fitzpatrick has stepped down as President of SPACE.
He has moved to the Northwest. I missed the May meeting, Losing money in Nevada, so I didn't get a chance to see if Terry is going to be submitting an article each month.


Treasurer's Report by Greg Leitner

What a year we are having in 1997. The treasury has not looked this good for a long time. For the second month in a row we have added a significant amount to our Treasury and we now have a balance of $687.62 for the month ended May 31, 1997. I can't help but feel that this Club is getting stronger, especially when you start seeing new faces at the meetings, we have signed up a new member at the May meeting and had three other members re-new their memberships for the next year.

We also had a good month in DOM sales due to a great game disk put together by Terry and Glen, Blank disks were also sold, and all in all our receipts totaled $104.00. Our only expense for the month was $10.00 for the BBS phone bill.

I understand from some of the members who have been using the BBS that it is really running solid and everyone should try it out to see for themselves just how much fun the BBS can be. We get feedback from the members from time to time about just what does a member get for the $15.00 yearly membership fee, and the use of the BBS is one of the benefits. Understand that the yearly fee for using the Falcon Heights Cornmunity building is $420.00 and it takes quite a few membership fees just to pay for this expense.

Please try to make the next meeting so that you can help us make plans for a cookout, hopefully right in the parking lot if I find out that it is O.K. with the Falcon Heights center. We should also make plans for the next auction which helps bring in a lot of cash for the Club and happens to be one of my favorite events during the year. So please mark your calendar for the June 13th meeting. Come on, Friday the 13th, what else would rather do.

Minutes Of Space Meeting May 9, 1997

Space meeting opened at 7:40 PM. Space club's new president, Terry Streeter welcomed members to the meeting.

Greg Leitner, club treasurer, gave the membership a treasury report. The treasury balance has been boosted by $150. 0ld balance was $439, new balance is $593. Great month, good DOM sales, not much for expenses. Treasurer report and Secretary report approved.

OLD BUSINESS-- There was a discussion of the newsletter mailing in the future. Glenn Kirschenmann reported that the club has 35 present members. 9 of these are out of state mailings. Motion made to make the newsletter mailing quarterly, instead of monthly. A monthly newsletter will still be available at monthly meeting. Motion approved.

NEW BUSINESSÑ- Terry Streeter welcomed a visitor to the meeting named Terry.

Terry Streeter, club president, asked if any club member was interested in taking over the DOM Librarian position. Position would involve the uploading stuff for the DOM. Terry commented that new ideas are needed for DOM. Terry is running out of stuff from other BBS'S.

Flightline BBS. is out of business as of May '97. Closed down because of lack of interest.

A club picnic was brought up by club president, Terry Streeter. Greg Leitner will check into having a BBQ at the Falcon Heights Community Center on our Space meeting night.

Club president, Terry Streeter, will contact Computer User magazine to have them list his phone number for Space Club information.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Michael Weist, Secretary


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: June 11, 1997