NEWSLETTER August, 1997

President's Corner

What a fun meeting it was Friday night. Great to see everyone again.

Well, that makes fifteen years for Space. I think members should give themselves a pat on the back for keeping the club going for so long.

August, will be auction month. You don't have to have just Atari hardware for the auction, other things of value are welcome too.

See you at the August meeting!!


Treasurer's Report by Greg Leitner

What a great time we all had at the cookout for our July birthday meeting. The member turnout was great and the food was exceptional. Thanks to Don and his lovely wife for bringing the grill and doing the cooking. The weather cooperated, and it was so comfortable sitting outside that some of us stayed until around 9:30 just gabbing away.

We didn't spend much time on our meeting or for the DOM, but we still managed to sell nine DOM's. I must admit that Terry & Glen have done a wonderful job in getting some great 8-bit software for our members, especially the last two months. If you missed either the June or the July DOM, please pick them up at the next meeting that you can attend. It will be well worth your while to see that there is still some good software out there.

Our treasury was reduced by about $45.00 from June's balance due to the fact that the second quarter room rental was paid. It helped that we had three membership renewals and sold those nine DOM's. Our receipts totaled $72.00 and our expenses were $116.70. Our treasury now stands at $633.22, which isn't too shabby.

Remember that at our August meeting we will be holding an auction, and this is where we can pad our treasury a little more. Please bring in your computer related items that you want to part with and let me know how much you want for each item. We will then start the auction for that item at $1.00 over your amount and the Club gets anything over the asking amount that we collect from the highest bidder. You can't lose and the Club wins too.

Minutes Of Space Meeting July 11, 1997

Space meeting opened at 7:35 PM. Club president, Terry Streeter, welcomed club members to the meeting.

Space club president, Terry Streeter, asked for a treasurer's report. Club treasurer, Greg Leitner, gave a report. Club treasury is down to $677.92. Room rent of $105 is due. Paid $52.00 for the Post Office Box. Club secretary, Mike Weist, repeated highlights from minutes in July '97 newsletter. Club president made a motion to approve both the Treasurer's report and the Secretary's report, both approved.

OLD BUSINESS- Greg Leitner, reminded membership Space auction is next month. Greg leitner remarked 15 YEARS AS A ATARI CLUB, COOL, NOT MANY ATARI CLUBS STILL AROUND, LET'S PAT OUR SELVES ON THE BACK!

NEW BUSINESS- Red Malchow mentioned the rumor about hearing that maybe Mike and Earline Fitzpatrick might be returning to Minnesota. Greg Leitner said he was in contact with the Fitzpatricks. STAY TUNED!

What was on the July DOM was discussed by Club president, Terry Streeter. Terry Streeter said DOM ideas our needed. Many ideas were discussed at the meeting. Many Atari BBS's are gone. Bob Puff BBS is still around.

Terry Streeter brought up the idea of maybe having a guest speaker come to a future club meeting.

Membership was reminded about SPACE AUCTION NEXT MONTH!

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. BBQ followed

Mike Weist, Club Secretary

Space Club's 15th Birthday Party
July 11, 1997

Well after 15 years the club finally had a BBQ for a birthday party. Thanks goes out to Greg Leitner for checking vvith the city of Falcon Heights for the OK. Although there were not more than 20 people at the BBQ, we still had a fun time.

Greg Leitner and Don Langford acted as the BBQ chefs, and let me tell you some excellent cooked food came off the grill. Members feasted on hot dogs, brats, hamburgers, etc. Along with this there were several potluck items inside to feast on like beans, Ray Wafer's famous potato salad, Bill Cotter's coleslaw, Tony Walsh's meatballs, chips, desserts, and to wash it down Greg Leitner's Ice cold POP.

Several members stayed outside to eat and enjoy the weather, while other members stayed inside to sit, eat, and chat. One thing for sure, no one went home hungry. A BIG thanks goes out to the Birthday party committee, all the workers, and to all the members who showed up to make it a success. See you at the August Space meeting!

Mike Weist

AUCTION TIME!! At The Next Meeting! AUGUST 8th, 1997


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: August 20, 1997