NEWSLETTER September, 1997

TerryPresidents Corner By Terry Streeter

Well, the auction went well Friday night. A lot of Atari 8-bit hardware.

Many thanks to everyone!

This will pad the treasury, and people pickup some excellent bargains as well.

Maybe we should talk about starting raffles again. The club did very well with them.

See you at the next meeting!!


GregTreasurer's Report by Greg Leitner

Wow!!! what a month we had for our August SPACE meeting. I couldn't believe the number of members that showed up for the meeting and the auction. I wonder if the auction is really having such a positive affect on our increased attendance. It was such a success that we will need to take a couple months just to cool our jets. We hope to be able to have quarterly auctions in hopes that we can offset the one major expense that our Club has and that is the room rental fee of $105.00 every quarter.

The auction netted the Club another $170.00 on top of our regular DOM sales of $18.00 for a total deposit of $188.00 for the month of August. Sorry to see Glen missing for the meeting, but thanks to our president, Terry, for bringing in another great DOM. I hope he will bring this DOM back next month, because in all the hoopla with the auction I never got one of his DOM's. I saw some members playing the games and it really looked good.

Our only expenses were for the BBS phone bill for three months and the August newsletter which all totaled just $41.70. So we added another $146.30 to our bank balance which now stands at a whopping $779.52. Can you believe it?

I bet there isn't another Atari club in this country that could compare with our success. You guys are unbelievable. Our Club has enough reserves to take us into 1999 and we are not far away to guaranteeing to be around for the year 2000. It shows that we have a great bunch of members not willing to kiss their 8-bits goodbye.

Next month we still take a breather and with Glen back maybe we can get a few of you to renew your yearly memberships in September. Keep supporting your Club and please make it to the next meeting. You never know what juicy Atari news will be in the pipeline.

Minutes Of Space Meeting August 8,1997

Space meeting opened at 7:35 PM. Club president, Terry Streeter, welcomed members to the meeting.

Club president asked for a Treasurer report. Greg Leitner told the membership that $72 was paid out for post office box rental. 2nd quarter room rent is paid. Treasury balance stands at $633. Greg commented that if the auction after the meeting does well, it will help out the treasury. Also if members renew their membership and members buy DOM's.

Club President asked for a secretary report. Mike Weist, club secretary, gave a summary of what was in August newsletter.

A motion was made by club president to accept both the treasury and secretary report. Approved

OLD BUSINESS Ray Wafer, club member, mentioned that Mike Fitzpatrick and his wife were back in town.

NEW BUSINESS Jack Tremil, old owner of Atari, might buy back Atari with his JTS stock. This was reported by club member Lance Ringquist. May happen with in 6 months, STAY TUNED!

Willie Rora, club member, announced his friend will have a electronics garage sale. The sale will be August 21-24. Information on sale will be on table, by room entrance.

Brian Little, club member, asked that a poem he submitted to the club officers be put in upcoming newsletter. It will be put in upcoming newsletter.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. Club auction followed.

Mike Weist, Club Secretary

3rd Space Auction
Aug. 8, 1997

August 8, 1997 was another Atari auction night. This is the third auction that has been put on by the club. It seems every time there is another auction, they get more exciting. The auctioneer once again was Don Langford and his auctioneer assistant was Greg Leitner. It is surprising to find out the hidden talents club members have. Don and Greg did a great job!

There were many bargains members got at the auction. Auction items included hardware, software, books, and non Atari items.

At times the bidding was very intense. Everybody had a fun time. We had a few club members that we haven't seen for a while, join in on the bidding at the auction, like Willie Rora. Good to see you!

Anyway can't wait till next auction! Last of all Hamfest is coming up in October. A great place to pick up stuff. See you all at next Space meeting.

Mike Weist

By Brian C. Little AKA Angel Hacker

The final frontier.
These are the voyages of the Atari freaks,Our quest is to......

Explore new areas of Atari,
Seek out new members
And hot news software
For the best DOM's in the west,
And to boldly go where no Atarian has gone before.

We are lead by Terry Streeter,
A cool guy with style!
And with Don Langford an
Vice-P that seeks the unknown,
Mike Weist writes
"The Minutes Of Space"
With such fine grace,
Greg Leitner balances
The budget with his fine pen,
Glen Kirschenmann
Keeps the members coming
And making sure they are still members,
And finally Michael Schmidt
Edits the newsletter with his
Wonderful Atari computer.

An Atari club with style,
Come one,
Come all,
Falcon Heights Community Center,
Located at 2077 West Larpenteur Ave,
Doors open a 7 PM, Don't be late because we start at 7:30.

As the old says goes,
"That's all folks."


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: October 11, 1997