NEWSLETTER October, 1996


President's Corner

By Mike Fitzpatrick Oct., 1996

Fall is upon us and things should be getting back to normal.

At this time I'd like to thank Greg Leitner and his crew on their on-going inventory of SPACE property. They are doing a fine job for such a Herculean Task.

November is Elections of Officers. So please be at the October meeting to voice your nomination choices.

This month Mike Weist will not be at the meeting and we'll have need of someone to fill in as secretary. Please feel free to volunteer.

If you are wondering what happened to the September Newsletter. Our Newsletter Editor made a wise choice to not publish due to lack of input. Like everyone else I'm guilty. See you at SPACE.

BBS News for October 1996

Well the power supply (fan) failed the week of 22-27 September. Fortunately the hard drive power supply performed as advertised and shut itself down when in an overheat condition. Currently, the hard drive is being cooled by an external power supply and hopefully that will work for awhile.

The status of the BBS usage and future of the BBS will be discussed at the October SPACE meeting.

Treasurer's Report

by Greg Leitner

We had a short session at the September meeting and a large group of members were in attendance anticipating the final Club auction of 1996. This was probably the hardest of the three auctions to hold as most of the items were software and very little hardware. But I thought it went well and Don did a great job as our auctioneer.

The Club once again did rather well from the auction and we netted $89.00 after all was said and done. Along with our regular DOM sales and one membership renewal we took in a total of $130.00 for the September meeting. Our expenses for the month were for two months BBS phone billing and two months of the newsletter. The two months were for August end September because neither Mike's could make it to the August meeting and we had to do a little bit of catch up. Now we are paid up through the end of September and the only big expenses we should have is the third quarter room rental fee of $105.00 due any time soon.

The BBS is going to be a hot topic next month so I would hope that all the members will be in attendance at the October meeting. Also, election time is coming upon us very quickly and anyone who may be interested in running for a position is encouraged to do so. I, for one am willing to remain Treasurer if the members so decide, and I would hope that the other Officers feel the same way. But if anyone else wants to run I am sure we would all feel encouraged that other members are still interested in what's going on in their Club.

Please come to the next meeting and help in deciding and discussing some very important Club matters. It could be very crucial to the future of the Club in how we want to support it and present it. See you all in October.

Minutes Of Space Meeting

Sept. 13th, 1996

Space meeting opened at 7:35 PM. Mike Fitzpatrick, club president, welcomed members to the meeting. Mike asked for a treasurer report.

Greg Leitner, club treasurer gave a report. The club treasury has its highest balance since November 1995.

Room rental of $105 will be due next month. Greg Leitner suggested that we have a club auction next year too. Greg said the club BBS. situation will be talked about by the club president. Motion made to accept treasurer report. Approved.

A secretary report was asked for. Club secretary said he was unable to make last month's meeting. He said he asked for a volunteer to take over in his absent. No one stepped forward, no minutes were taken for August meeting. Minutes in the September newsletter are July minutes that should of been in August newsletter, that were mistakenly omitted.. Club president asked that it be noted that there was no minutes for August meeting. A note in next month's newsletter will state this.



NEW BUSINESS- An apology was made by our club president for a name mistake for person that is considering taking over BBS. Mike said that Nolan Ryan was interested in taking over BBS. The person's right name was Nolan Friedland.

Mike stated that total BBS. seems to be around 9 people. Is there still value to keep the BBS. going? If discontinued the club would save $300.

If continued by person that takes over. The person will have to provide own phone line. This will be discussed in more detail next month's meeting.

Hamfest will not be at Civic Center this year. The Hamfest will be at the University of Minnesota this year on the 26th of October. Having a club table at this year's Hamfest was discussed. It was decided that the club would not have a club table at Hamfest.

Tony Walsh, club member, said he looked at Michael Current's Home Page on the Internet for our club. To see the Space club home page on the Internet. Get into the Internet and type in http://www.library.carleton.edu/space/

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. 3rd of 3 club auctions followed the meeting.

Mike Weist Space club secretary


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: October 10, 1996