NEWSLETTER November, 1996


President's Corner

By Mike Fitzpatrick Oct., 1996

Mike did not submit an article for the Newsletter this month.

BBS News for October 1996

Mike did not submit a BBS update for the newsletter this month.

Treasurer's Report by Greg Leitner

Just a handful of members were present for the October meeting. With the elections just a month away I would hope that we get a good turnout in November. It's hard to believe that we have only two meetings left for 1996, and both of those meetings are a must for our members. In November we will be voting for the Officers for 1997 and in December we have our annual Christmas party.

You would think that with only a few members present in October we would not have much to report in the way of receipts. Actually we had a very good month and with four membership renewals and Dom sales we took in $103.00. Our expenses were for the monthly BBS and we had to pay the third quarter room rental to the Falcon Heights Center of $105.00. Usually our bank account goes way down in the month we have to pay for the room rental, but this quarter it only went down slightly. Our new bank balance at month end for October now stands at $530.80.

With the elections coming up next month and the Xmas party to follow in December, I would hope that the members who have not been able to come to the last few meetings will find the time to participate in the next two. These meetings are very important to the Club and should be to you as well. Let's continue to show the Twin Cities community that the SPACE Club is still alive and doing very well, and with your support it will continue to be the best source for all Atari users. Come to the meeting and let your vote be counted.

Minutes Of Space Meeting Oct. 11th, 1996

Space meeting opened at 7:35 pm. Mike Fitzpatrick, club president, welcomed members to the meeting.

OLD BUSINESS - Mike asked for approval of treasury report and secretary report as printed in Space Newsletter. Approved. Election of club officers next month.

NEW BUSINESS - Mike Fitzpatrick asked club secretary to make a Christmas Potluck List to circulate among members for Christmas party. The secretary will do this.

Mike Fitzpatrick stated the Space BBS.will be discontinued as of November 1, 1996, unless a person comes forwards to continue the BBS. Mike stated BBS. usage is to low to keep the BBS. operating. Mike and his wife want to dedicate their system totally towards their business.

Nolan Friedland volunteered to take over BBS. This means he will pay the cost of the phone line and agree to BBS operation rules. On further discussion by the membership it was agreed that the Space BBS. will go be discontinued November 1, 1996 and the Space club will rent SIG file areas from Lance Ringquist. This will allow Mike Fitzpatrick, Mike Schmidt, Terry Streeter to exchange F-Mail.

The Space club's UPS and other equipment from the old BBS. system will go in storeroom at meeting site. Mike Fitzpatrick thanked Nolan Friedland for volunteering to take over BBS. But he stated it wouldn't be fair for Nolan to pay out of his own pocket for the phone line. Mike Fitzpatrick also noted that the Flightline BBS. is stil around with Atari Net and Fido Net for the 8-Bit and ST. Club member, Michael Current, stated that the Atari Home Address in the October Space Newsletter is wrong.
The right address is----http://www.library.carleton.edu/space/

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Mike Weist, Club Secretary

Attention! Christmas Party
December 13, 1996

Well. fellow Space Atarians it is that time of the year again. Time to think about the club's Christmas Party. I assume that you all haven't forgotten last year's Christmas Party Alot of us were all ready in December, but Mother Nature changed that. Anyway we still had a fun Christmas Party, only it was one month later.

Last Christmas party we saw a few old members we haven't seen for a while. Plus there was alots of good food, fun, and Atari Talk. Mark you calendars for December 13, 1996 and come. Bring a friend and a potluck item and have a fun time!

For potluck items we will need, meats, vegetables, salads, chips, desserts, and beverages. So come to the November meeting ready to sign the potluck list. I hope to see Ray Wafer's famous pototoe salad, Bill Cotter's famous meatballs, Don Langford's famous smookies, Mike Fitzpatrick's cake, Greg Leinter's pop to wash all that good food down and other items. Oh! I forgot! Al Nobles' Special K-Bars.

Remember come to the Space club's 14th Christmas
Party, December 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: November 11, 1996