NEWSLETTER December, 1996


President's Corner

By Mike Fitzpatrick Nov., 1996

Well the elections are over and the officers have been elected for another year..

The BBS has been terminated and the club will be doing official business on the Video-61 BBS. The difference in savings will equate to approximately 5 months of room rent, where we meet.

Don't forget the annual Christmas Party. It is still a pot luck affair and Mike Wiest had a great idea about calling prior SPACE members for the event. I did call three former members and they all agreed to put the event on their calendar. As with any pot luck please remember to bring what you've signed up for plus a little extra. Also please remember to bring some flatware and plates for yourself.

If you haven't already, please check out the SPACE home page compliments of member Michael Current.

Since the December meeting is primarily social please start thinking about what we wish to start doing commencmg with our January meeting.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving Holiday.

P.S. Don't forget this:
With really inclimate weather SPACE will be canceled

Treasurer's Report

by Greg Leitner

November 8, 1996, voting night for S.P.A.C.E., only a handful of members were present to cast their ballots, and the end result; no changes in the Club's officers for 1997. Now that wasn't all true, we didn't actually cast ballots, but we did re-elect the incumbants from 1996 to continue on for another year. If you were one of the few members attending the November meeting you know the election was not that formal, but it is still a very important part of the Club's function. If you were not at the meeting then you missed out on one of your privileges as a dues paying member. I would assume that if you are willing to cough up the money for your dues that you would want to get something out of the Club in return. If you have a suggestion that you could help to contribute to the meetings then please come and do so. It could provide a much needed spark or a put a new idea into action that the whole Club would benefit from. This is why we all joined, to help each other get the most out of our Atari computers and programs, but you need to be there to reap the benefits.

Next month, on December 13, 1996, we will be having our Christmas party meeting. It would be nice to see a lot of the old faces again. Please join us for a great time and don't forget to bring a dish for everyone to enjoy.

We have a lot to celebrate this Christmas as the Club is ending the year in great financial shape. Our balance at this time is $589.14 and grew by over $50.00 from the previous month balance. Since our average monthly expenses are only about $70.00 we only need a couple of monthly memberships and average monthly dom sales to cover them. Anything above this and it is all gravy for the Club. We are ending the year on a good note and with your support we should expect another financially successful year for 1997. See you at the Christmas party.

Minutes of Space Meeting

Nov 8th, 1996

Space meeting opened at 7:30 pm. Mike Fitzpatrick, club president, welcomed members to the meeting.

Mike Fitzpatrick stated that the meeting tonite would be brief.

Mike asked for deletions or additions to the secretary's minutes. Hear none, he asked that the minutes be accepted as printed in November newsletter. Motion approved.

Mike also asked that the treasurer's report be approved as printed in November newsletter. Motion approved.

Greg Leinter, club treasurer, stated that room rent had been paid, leaving a treasury balance of $530.00. Greg hopes the club will have a good treasury balance for 1997..

Lance Ringquist will provide Space club officers a SIG area, so F-mail can be transferred,. Space club will pay $10.00 for the SlG area rental. The new phone line for Lance's BBS will be installed in the upcoming week. It was agreed, last month, that the Space BBS would be discontinued November 1, 1996..

Election of officers took place at meeting tonight, with all present officers being reelected by unanimous ballot.

Mike stated that a person from Flightline BBS. donated Atari equipment. Items included Atari 800, Atari printer, Atari 1050 disk drives, 2 boxes of 5 1/4 disks condition unknown. Mike stated this Atari equipment would be auctioned off at meeting. Mike would conduct the auction.

Mike also stated that 3 people have contacted him to sell their Atari ST equipment. Mike will buy the equipment, if there is a firm commitment from members to buy the equipment.

The meeting was suspended at 7:45 pm. to conduct auction of donated Atari equipment from person from Flightline BBS.

Meeting resumed at 7:55 pm.

There was discussion to make the Space club newsletter bimonthly or quarterly, instead of monthly. If a change was made it wouldn't take affect until early '97. Further discussion is tabled until January 1997.

Mike Weist, club secretary, said the Space Christmas party is coming up in December. Mike asked members to invite old club members and friends to Christmas party.

Mike Fitzpatrick said he will be contacting some old club members.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm. Mike Weist Club Secretary

Christmas Party - Potluck List

Person                         Potluck Item 
Mike and Earline Fitzpatrick   2 cakes 
Dennis Wold                    Salad
Greg Leinter                   Ice Cold Pop 
Mike Schmidt                   Fruit Plate 
Bill Cotter                    MeatBalls 
Glen Kirschenmann              Plates, forks, cups 
Lance Ringquist                cookies 
Don Langford                   Smokies 
Mike Weist                     Big Tom Turkey

This is the Christmas party potluck list so far. If you are planning on coming to party and haven't signed this list, bring a potluck item of your choice.

Mike Weist


Published by the Saint Paul Atari Computer Enthusiasts (SPACE), an independent organization with no business affiliation with ATARI Corporation. Permission is granted to any similar organization with which SPACE exchanges newsletters to reprint material from this newsletter. We do however ask that credit be given to the authors and to SPACE. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SPACE, the club officers, club members or ATARI Corporation.

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Maintained by Michael Current, mcurrent@carleton.edu
Last updated: January 22, 1997