Atari 800 Series


Last Modification 23 Mar 1997

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All items, unless otherwise noted, are currently contained in my collection of Atari microcomputers. If I do not have the item, yes I may be interested in purchasing one. Please email me for details.

The Atari 800 series was first announced in 1978, and became available in late 1979. All computers utilize a 6502 main processor and 6520 PIA, along with three LSI ASICs: ANTIC display processor, a PoKey sound and serial I/O processor, and either the CTIA or GTIA TIA chip. Some later versions used the custom Atari 6502C (Sally).

With the exception of the tape recorders, all were manufactured in Sunnyvale, California. Some late-era cheaper versions of the 400 were made in Hong Kong at the end of the 400's run.

(Some) other Atari 800 series products:

CX852 8K RAM Module
CX853 16K RAM Module
CX801 ROM Module (Included with 800)
CX801P PAL ROM Module (Included with PAL-system 800's)
CX22 Trackball (not to be confused with the XL-series trackball)
CX30-04 Paddle Controllers (Pair)
CX40 Joystick
CX50 Keyboard Controller Pair
#CX70 Light Pen (Not to be confused with the XL-series lightpen)
CX81 5-Foot SIO Cable
CX85 Numerical Keypad CX86 850-825 Printer Cable
CX87 850-Modem Cable
*CX88 850-Terminal Cable (null modem)
CX89 Color Monitor Cable
CX82 Monochrome Monitor Cable
CX85 Numerical Keypad

* = Missing from collection. # = Currently in acquisition.

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