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Toronto Atari Federation  

5334 Yonge Street, Suite 1527, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2N 6M2 
Phone: (416) 425-5357, BBS: (416) 421-8999 
E-mail: schrist@interlog.com 

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[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc

For Sale 8-bit
[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc

From: Steve Hagensicker stevemr2@televar.com 
Posted: Oct 22, 1997 

I have an Atari 800 XL along with several cartridges, tapes with programs and the 1010 player. This machine is like new as I take care of my equipment. I haven't used it for several years and have been thinking about selling everything. Even back then I saw how computers were advancing and I decided not to try to keep up. 

If you know of anyone who would be interested in this equipment, which is in cherry condition and all power supplies, cables etc come with it along with several programs on tape (Zaxxon, Chess, Slot Machine, Sky Chart, E-Factor and LOTS more), several carts (Missile Command, Donkey Kong, Defenders...and more). 


From: Steve Hagensicker stevemr2@televar.com Homepage: Netsurfer Central <-----> http://www.televar.com/~stevemr2/ 

For Sale ST
[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc

From: Joan Kirkby  
Posted: Oct 22, 1997 

It is a 1040 STf with 1meg of RAM and a SC1224 Colour Monitor. Can this be setup as a WWW terminal? (Do you need more RAM, a hard drive, etc.) 

What about the software? Would Falcon be interested? I have about 20 original games complete with boxes and manuals. Also I have 1st Word Plus and WordPerfect 4.1 (rel. Sep 89) with boxes and manuals. Here's some more stuff I have: 

-about 100 blank Sony DSDD disks filled with stuff downloaded from Toronto area BBS's and fully cataloged using ST Disk Catalog (Does anyone use disks anymore? Someone could just format over them and use them for whatever they like) 

-about 20 cover disks from the early issues of the British publication ST Format 

-Degas Elite, Crossword Creator II, Music Construction Set (originals with boxes and manuals) 

As I said before someone has offered to take my ST off my hands to use as a 'typing machine'. If someone in the club would be interested in taking ALL my software and disks off my hands (for a very reasonable price), then I'd be more willing to give up my ST as a 'typing machine'. At least someone would be able to use the software. 

Thank You 
Doug Kirkby 

From: Greg Spencer <73007.141@CompuServe.COM> 
Posted: Oct 22, 1997 

I don't know if you can help but I have some Atari equipment I wouldn't mind selling. Specifically, what I have is an Atari 130XE, 2 drives (SpartaDOS doubled), Atari tape drive and miscellaneous software & cartridges. I'm located in Toronto so would be able to attend a TAF sponsored sale if there is such an event. 

Thanks for your help, 

Greg Spencer 

From: Jim Albani  
Posted: Oct 22, 1997 

I have an atari 520st and an atari monitor (RGB) (Not sure what model) that I'm looking to sell, Since I have no use for it, I was wondering if your club might need it for parts ? if interested, please leave me a message.. 


For Sale TT
[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc






For Sale Falcon
[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc






[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc






[ Top ], [ 8 Bits ], [ ST ], [ TT ], [ Falcon ], [ Wanted ], [ Misc

From: Harvey Kong-Tin harvey.kong-tin@stonebow.otago.ac.nz 
Posted: Oct 22, 1997 

Also I have some old SpartaDOS 3.2 5.25" floppies that I'd like to transfer files onto PC floppies, do you know anyone willing to do it for me? It's not that many, so I don't want to build the hardware/transfer it myself. 

I am chasing up two Atari 800 games that I worked on, and wonder if they're available in an archive anywhere? ie. Laser Hawk and HawkQuest. HawkQuest is PAL only and needs? to be modified because it ran on 4 disk sides. 

It would be nice to be in contact with another Atari/PC emulator enthusiast? 

Written: Oct 22, 1997 
Revised: Oct 22, 1997 
Maintained by: Stephen Christian (URL: http://www.interlog.com/~schrist) 
Please send comments to author: schrist@interlog.com