Toronto Atari Federation: Membership

Your membership in TAF ($35 per year), entitles you to the following:

1. Free Admission to 10 TAF Meetings per year.

Our monthly meetings have a variety of formats. On the ST, Mega, TT, Falcon side (16/32 Bit computers) there is usually a Question and Answer period, club news and announcements, and the 16/32 Bit Library is open. There are also usually a demonstration of software or hardware. The XL/XE group demonstrates new disks in the 8-Bit library, and sometimes features technical or new program demonstrations. At least once a year we have the Flea Market (normally the November meeting), and special events are scheduled as they arise.

2. The Phoenix newsletter, 10 issues per year.

TAF has an award-winning newsletter that is one of the best of any user group publication. It keeps you informed with news, reviews of new hardware and software, tutorials, tips and tricks, and the latest releases for both the ST/Mega/TT/Falcon and the XL/XE Libraries. Layout and design is done by club volunteers, and except for items of national or international interest, all the articles are also written by club members.

3. TAF Library disks at discount prices.

Thousands of programs of all types are available for the ST/STe/Mega/TT/Falcon and the XL\XE machines at low, low prices. Our connections with developers in Germany, other parts of Europe, the U.K. and North America, as well as many hours of work by the club librarians, ensure that the best and latest programs are available at all TAF meetings, or via mail order. They provide an inexpensive, easy way for you to build a collection of superb programs for your machine. Games, music and MIDI, word processors, spreadsheets, commercial demo programs, handy utilities and graphics collections are instantly available.

TAF members and other Atari owners are always searching for new software. Two of the best sources are the TAF Libraries.

TAF maintains two complete libraries of Public Domain and Shareware software: one for the ST, STe, Mega, TT and Falcon computers (16/32 Bit Library) and one for the XL/XE computers (8-Bit). Each contains hundreds of disks, holding thousands of programs and graphics files. The 16/32 Bit Library, with contacts in Germany, other parts of Europe, U.K. and North America, features the latest in available material, while the 8-bit library not only has the most recent offerings but is famous for having older, hard-to-find programs as well. Each library offers a number of new disks each month. The club also maintains a large, printed Catalogue which is updated every 12 - 14 months. Every issue of Phoenix has a pullout Library Page that may be hole-punched and inserted in a binder to update your existing Print Catalogue. The Catalogue is also privided on floppy disks to all new members and it can also be updated at monthly meetings!

Every imaginable type of program is available in the TAF libraries: games, word processors, databases, spreadsheets, paint programs, MIDI programs and music/song collections, telecommunications programs, utilities, fonts, clip art and much, much more. In addition to these fully functioning programs, the libraries contain important demo programs, that is, special versions of major commercial software, released by the authors or publishers in a form that falls short of complete usability, so that users have the opportunity to "try before you buy". In addition, the ST librarians have assembled a package of 5 double-sided disks of selected programs called "Essential Software for the ATARI".

The full libraries are present at every monthly TAF meeting. Each month, PHOENIX contains descriptions of the latest new programs being released. During the evening, members and guests browse through the library catalogues, buy disks, and get their old catalogue disks updated. The Librarians are also a great source of information, and many members find answers to questions by talking to one of the knowledgeable library volunteers.

Library disks may also be ordered by mail. Simply indicate your selection, your TAF membership number, and enclose a cheque for the correct amount. Disks are $6 each for members/$8 each for non-members and orders should be sent to: Toronto Atari Federation, Attn: Librarian, 5334 Yonge Street, Suite 1527, Toronto, Ont. M2N 6M2.

When ordering, please clearly specify the catalogue number, category and quantity. For instance:

1 - TAF_COMM.010

4. Access to TAF OnLine BBS (416)421-8999

With your computer, a modem, and a telecommunications program, you can log on to TAF OnLine, our 24-hour Bulletin Board Service. The BBS contains message bases covering all major areas of interest for Atari users where you can read other people's comments, reply to them, ask questions and get answers from knowledgable users. A database for TAF members only, offers you a ready reference and source of information. You can use E-mail and F-mail to communicate privately and exchange files with other users. The files section of TAF OnLine contains hundreds of public domain and shareware programs which members can download free of charge. TAF Online now has full access to AtariNet!

5. Discounts at Area Retailers

All Toronto area Atari retailers offer discounts to TAF members who present their membership card when making purchases. Details vary with individual dealers, so be sure to inquire before you buy.

6. TAF INFO LINE (416) 425-5357

Our help line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The info line has a recorded message that will keep you up-to-date on TAF events. You may also leave a message if you require assistance with your computer or software. Simply wait for the recorded message to end and then leave your name, phone number, and a short description of your problem. Your name will be passed on to one of our TAF members and every effort will be made to contact you as quickly as possible.

7. TAF Courses

Throughout the year, TAF provides many different Seminars, Workshops and Lectures on various aspects of Atari hardware and software. These courses carry a nominal fee and are invaluable sources of information and training for all TAF members. The courses are designed 'in house' and take advantage of the vast experience many members bring to the club. Keep an eye out for course announcements. They cover everything from telecommunications to wordprocessing to MIDI, spreadsheets, databases name it! There is usually something interesting for everyone!

Remember too, if you have a particular need with respect to information or training, come to a monthly meeting and talk to other members. Some problems can be solved just that easily!