Automatic 2-Computer Interface

Autom. 2-computer interface

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Short description

The automatic 2-computer interface (2-RI) is used to connect 2 ATARI-computers at the same time to one or more peripheral equipment (e.g. floppies). With peripheral equipment is ment an equipment that is produced by ATARI and has a SIO-port. An exception is the datarecorder, this product must be connected directly to each computer.
The electronic is build in a 10x6x3cm sized black plasticbox. To connect the automatic 2-computer interface with the computers two SIO-connectors are integrated. The output is build as a cable with a SIO-connector. To connect the ATARIs to the 2-RI are normal SIO-cables required.
Peripheral equipment can be connected directly (not through the 2-RI) at the computer or 'behind' the 2-computer interface. Equipment between computer and 2-RI are called 'local', because it is only accessable from the directly connected computer.
All equipment behind the 2-RI are called 'gobal', because both computers can access it.
The power consumption of the interface is below 5mA. Because of this, it is also possible to use the interface with weak power supplies.
The actual status of the interface is always displayed by three leds.

Autom. 2-computer interface

In the animated picture on the top is a 2-computer interface displayed with the minimal and the typical connections to the other equipement of the computersystem.


The price for the ready to use automatic 2-computer interface is 90DM.
A self-build kit costs 60DM and includes all parts, printed board, housing, label, half a SIO-cable and a 6-page building plan.