
If you decided to order something, then you are on the right page.
You find the prices and shipping costs under link 'prices' on the left side.
If you should have still questions to any products, or want to indicate me your opinion (required!) obout this homepage, then please use the link 'email/inquiry' on the left side.
Please remark:
In standard all documentations are in german language. But some are also avaiable in english (for example SIO2PC). If you have problems with documentations in german please contact me before you will order!!

There are three possibilities selectable to send me an order:
  1. by email
  2. by fax
  3. by letter
The payment of the products can take place by With prepay you please use the following bank account:
Duke Frankfurter Sparkasse
Bank number: 500 502 01
Account number: 031 500 7613
The supply of the products takes place, if available, usually within two week after receipt of the order or the prepay.
If you order the products by prepay please note that not each product can be held ready at each point in time in any quantity.
Normally this is the case, better is it however to inquire beforehand briefly whether the desired article is available. This can take place by telephone or fax under +49 / 69 / 577516, by email tgrasel@controlware.de or as order with the adjustment, order by 'Prepay with date of delivery acknowledgement '. In this case you receive an answer with the prospective date of delivery. The booked in advance commodity is then reserved one week long for you and sent away after the appearance of your prepay.

Please select now a purchase order form.

If you want to order on-line and view this page with Netscape starting from version 3 or Internet Explorer you should send your order by 'email as form'.
If you use an older browser, then you bring it please to the newest status or use the selection 'email as text'.

Order by...
Link email as form (recommended)
Link email as text
Link Fax
Link Post office / letter

Order by fax

Please copy the following text file to your computer and then print it out off-line or call the same page in HTML format and print it out on-line.
You find the prices of the products under link 'prices' on the left side.
Link Purchase order form as text file to download
Link Purchase order form as HTML page for on-line printout

Subsequently, you transmit the fax please to the number +49 / 69 / 577516.

Order by post office / letter

Please copy the following text file to your computer and then print it out off-line or call the same page in HTML format and print it out on-line.
You find the prices of the products under link 'prices' on the left side.
Link Purchase order form as text file to download
Link Purchase order form as HTML page for on-line printout

Subsequently, you send the letter please to
Duke Thomas Grasel
Dillenburgerstrasse 61
60439 Frankfurt / Main