8-Channel Digital Voltmeter for ATARI 8-bit and PC


Link Short description
Link Hardware short description
Link Software short description
Link Last change of the DVM-software
Link Price, accessories and software for ATARI 8-bit
Link Price, accessories and software for PC

Short description

Yes, you have read rightly, one measurement equipment for both systems, ATARI 8-bit and PC!

The digital voltmeter (DVM) has eight inputs with a common groundlevel.
In difference to normal multimeters you have up to 1000 measurements per second. With this speed it is possible to control switching events and low frequent signals.
The range of the inputs are +/- 20Volt with a resolution of 12bit (10mV). A high input impedance of 1M ohms charges the tested parts very low.

Hardware short description

ATARI 8-bit
The connetion to the ATARI 8bit is done by the joysickport 2. The port 1 is in standard available as a four channel output to realise switching- and regulation applications.
With the XL switching interface the number of outputs is increased to eight.
No adapter or interface is needed to connect the DVM to the ATARI. The DVM can be connected directly to the joystickport of a XL or with a joystick cable (9pole SUB-D).


The operation of the digital voltmeter on a PC is possible in two ways.
The PC-adapter connects the DVM directly by the printerport to the PC.
The PC-interface connectes the DVM with the PC-printerport and has an own printerport to use the printer and the DVM at the same time. Eight additional outputs are included to realise switching- and regulation applications.
It will always be needed one part to connect the DVM to the PC, the PC-adapter or the PC-interface.


The digital voltmeter software is usable for a wide range of applications. Measurement values are shown as digtal numbers or as graphic. For switching- and regulation applications you can define switching levels. Additionaly it is possible to save the measured values to use them later.

The software is not part of the ordered hardware 'DVM', because you must select between PC and ATARI software.

Software short description

ATARI 8-bit
The software for the DVM includes two parts with different display and functions. The first part is called Digitalpart and the second Oszillographpart.
The software has the following functions:

Display of the Digitalpart of the DVM 8-bit Software
Display of the Digitalpart of the DVM 8-bit Software

Display of the Oszillographpart of the DVM 8-bit Software
Display of the Oszillographpart of the DVM 8-bit Software

The software for the DVM includes two parts with different display and functions. The first part is called Digitalpart and the second Oszillographpart.
The software has the following functions:

Display of the Digitalpart of the PC-Software
Display of the Digitalpart of the PC-Software

Display of the Oszillographpart of the PC-Software
Display of the Oszillographpart of the PC-Software

Last change/version of the DVM-Software

ATARI 8-bit: 01-08-1998
PC: Version 1.1

If you are a lizensed user of the software and you have not the latest version of the software, you can order the newest version for paying the shipping costs. Please send me a ready to use back-envelope oder an Email.

Prices, accessories and software for ATARI 8-bit

8-channel digital voltmeter for ATARI 8-bit and PC (ready to use) 100DM
Extension cable 2 meter 2x9pole SUB-D (optional) 10DM
XL switching interface (ready to use; optional) 50DM
XL software from 01/08/98 30DM

The DVM is suitable for use on the ATARI and the PC.
For use with the ATARI is no interface required.

Prices, accessories and software for PC

8-channel digital voltmeter for ATARI 8-bit and PC (ready to use) 100DM
Extension cable 2 meter 2x9pole SUB-D (optional) 10DM
Extension cable 2 meter 2x25pole SUB-D (optional) 10DM
PC-adapter (ready to use) 20DM
PC-interface (ready to use) 70DM
PC software V1.1 (DOS) 30DM

The DVM is suitable for use on the ATARI and the PC.
For a connention to a PC is the PC-adapter or PC-interface required.