Neu Changes in the Homepage / Fairdates

On this page you can find fast and easy the last changes in the homepage. This helps you to better find the news since your last visit.
If you find error on this pages, you know new dates which are not present or you have any questions, write me an


Thomas Grasel, Webmaster

Next fairdates
March 21st 1998
Fair in Schreiersgrün near by Zwickau / Germany.
If you need addiontional inforamtions or a travel plan - send me an Email.
April/May 1998 Fair in Hanau near by Frankfurt / Germany
Oct. 24th 1998 ABBUC JHV '98 in Herten near by Dortmund / Germany

Date Change
March 08th 1998 Revision of the homepage for offline-viewing
March 01st 1998 First complete release of the english part of the homepage
