The ABBUC Regional Group Frankfurt / Main (RAF) is actualy represented by four members.
If you live or work in the Rhein/Main region feel free to contact us and join the group.
The hardware and software presented within this homepage and the homepage itself is created by Thomas Grasel
with support of Harry Reminder.
Members of the Regional Group Frankfurt are (from left to right):
Short descriptions of the members follow:
Thomas Grasel:
My name is Thomas Grasel and I am 27 years old.
I own my ATARI 800XL since 1985, that is since 13 years.
It was in the meantime upgraded to 320K and has a 25K Bibomon. I have worked since 1986 with an ATARI 1050
Floppy with turbo 1050 enlargement. In 1993 a 1050 with Speedy was added.
Already at the beginning of my activity with the ATARI 8-bit devices interested me improvements and
enlargements of its hardware. Accessories which I could not buy or functions that were not offered or
feasible by commercial devices led to the here on the pages of the RAF shown devices.
These resulted purely from private interest and will also be privatlyselled to interested users for
self cost prices.
You already search for a specific function and it's implementing seems very easy - however the necessary
special knowledge is missing? Then you should report this to me. If more users search such a function
a new device could be created.
Beside this homepage I have designed the
Homepage of the Soccer Club SV 07 Heddernheim
, if you are interested have a look at it.
I have been occupied myself with the Internet since middle of the last year. This homepage is the third
constructive product of this work.
Who wants to connect me has many possibilities. At first the phone would be there one.
Under 069 / 577516, one can achieve me sometimes. It is better if one sends a fax to the same number.
On electronic way an email
is suitable. At last there is the slowest way by mail, write to: Thomas Grasel, Dillenburgerstraße 61,
60439 Frankfurt / Main, Germany.
Still a request at the end. If you should find mistakes on one of these pages, you could not find informations
or have found them complicatly - please write to me !!!
Only this way it is possible to repair and prevent the grievance, that the next visitors of these pages must
annoy itself with the same problem.
Thomas Grasel, Webmaster
Harry Reminder:

My name it is Harry Reminder and I am 36 years old.
I have owned an ATARI 600XL since 1985, a year later I have bought me an ATARI 800XL and
a floppy 1050.
There I have mainly engaged in programming with turbo BASIC.
I obtained in 1987 an Atari ST, where I also programmed and used text processing as well
as databases.
Very late, in 1994, I obtained myself a PC; more for reasons of compatibility with other
users than from conviction.
For many years I have co-operated with Thomas Grasel and supported him in its projects.
I work since 1986 as dipl. engineer in an avionic product company.
Among other things my hobbies are HiFi-technic and I like the music of Frank Zappa and
Van Morrison.
Who would like to contact me or the regional group can achieve me under
069 / 585303 or writes to the following address:
Harry Reminder, Heddernheimer Landstr. 86, 60439 Frankfurt/Main.
Marc Mortara:

Everything began in 1986 on my 30th birthday. From a gift box came out an
Atari 800XL with Datasette 1010.
And then began the hacking. Every source listing which could be found must
be typed and tried out. There was no end, data lines were entered until
the eyes struck. After the first stumbling blocks were cleared away, it went
rapidly forward.
One year later a 1050 Floppy Disk Station was ordered, because the transmission rates of
the Datasette drove me crazy. Floppy disk access = like in paradise.
Load times below 1 minute!
In 1989 then I met Kemal Ezcan and supported him in the following years
with the production and the marketing of software for the Atari 8-Bit.
I became ABBUC member in 1992, after Wolfgang Burger had sent me information about
the club.
My Atari collection is meanwhile increased onto 5 computers (2x 800XL, 2x 130XE, 1x 800XE)
with in total 4 floppies, black box, star printer, 2x printer- and 2x 2-computer-interface.
Unlike my RAF colleagues, I have not let me tempting to the PC.
Carsten Strotmann:

Hallo, yours webside speaks here....
Yes, precise, this page speaks to you. Why, do you ask?
Very simple, I received the task to present you Carsten Strotmann.
What a simple webside all knows! Yeees, the Carsten has muuuch time spent with me
until I (and my friends) were finished.
Where shall I begin now? You therefore, certainly want to know a little about Carsten's
hobbies. There are in first place certainly the computers to mention.
That all took its run in 1982, as Carsten acquired from a saved pence and a couple
of donations from generous near relatives a Commodore VC20. Its argument was
"You need this the next time. Computers are the future! Important for business!",
however in reality did he have only one thought; "GAMES!!!".
Unfortunately there were not much games for the VC20 and the three ones he owned
became sometime boring. Therefore, he started, to programm itself...
In 1984 the VC20 became too small and an Atari 800XL followed. Now it realy started.
The Atari was investigated up to the last bit. In 1986 Carsten joined the
Atari Bit Byter User Club (ABBUC)
, advised the ACTION! User group and now also the
Atari Programmers Group.
Since end 1997 he meets continously the ABBUC colleagues of the RAF in Frankfurt.
At beginning of the nineties then the computer hobby became his profession, at first as
programmer on a AS/400, then as a network specialist for a OS/2 net.
As member in the team OS/2 he fights for the users of this operating system.
If he has some time for programming (he mostly only collects a lot of programing languages),
he uses Pascal, Oberon, Rexx or ACTION!.
Since 1996, Carsten lives in Frankfurt/Main and works as system manager in the department
Internet and safety technologies; so to speak a hacker by profession.
If he is not sitting in front of his computer keyboard, Carsten likes to read a book,
plays cabaret or roleplaying (GURPS, Aventurien and Harn).
Up to here, from your webpage. I expect, you had some fun and also have a look
to my companions.