Switching Powersupply for ATARI 8-bit Computer Systems


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Short description

The switching powersupply for ATARI 8-bit is a device to supply a complete ATARI computersystem including all pheriperal equipment (floppies and other).
This is not only useful to tidy up your computersystem with the cables from the various powersupplies, it is also good to prevent heat- and supplyproblems, specially with enhanced computers and floppies.

The most important features are: You can oder the switching powersupply for ATARI 8-bit (SPS) as a standard ready to use part or specialised to your requirements. The detailed costs for a special version are dependent of your requirements. If you are interested on a special version, write me a letter, send me a fax or an email with a detailed description of the number and type of the parts you want to connect to the SPS. Of course it is possible to make changes specialy for your system. I send you back an offer without obligation.


The price for the standard ready to use switching powersupply is 300DM.
If you want to build the supply for your self, you can order a 19 page description under the number B514 at the ABBUC-construction service (Joost Küp), from me or from the address shown under 'Links' on the left side as file.
The 19 page long desiption desribes not only how to build the SPS, it explains also the reasons and some background informations about the supply concept of the ATARI 8-bit parts (computer, floppy), and why I have spend so much time to create a switching powersupply for the 8-bit.
A drilled and labed printed board for the standard SPS costs 20DM.
If you are interested in a special version for you, write me a letter, send me a fax or an email with a detailed description of the number and type of the parts you want to connect to the SPS. Of course it is possible to make changes specialy for your system. I send you back an offer without obligation.
If you have build the SPS lately and you need now an extension to provide the output levels -5V and -12V you can order the extenderboard for 5DM. The maximum current of each voltage is 100mA.
This extenderboard is included if you order now a SPS printed board!