Memory-MoH for PABX-Systems
(MoH = Message on Hold)


Link Short description
Link Price and accessory

Short description

The Message on Hold memory interface is used to insert audiosignals into PABX-systems. The audiosignals are active during call arbitration (MoH-modus; MoH = Message on Hold). In addition is it possible to use the Message on Hold memory interface as answering machine in informationmode.
The cover is usable for wall mounting and table applications.
For the MoH-mode are all PABX-systems suitable which have a seperate audio-input or it is possible to connect the Memory-MoH on a normal, but via software specifiable, telephone connector (for example ISTEC 1003-1008).
The Memory-MoH is tested and developed on an ISTEC 1008 with software version 1.93-2.0.
The recordlenght is 60 seconds. The memory is unlimited powerfail protected.
For the use of the Memory-MoH is a external plugin-powersupply with an output of 9-12V AC or DC required. The maximum load is 100mA.
The interface has four connetors:
The different functions are selectable by four switches and two buttons. The actual condition is shown on three LED's.
The loudness of the recorded signal is automaticaly regulated in a wide area. The loadness of the played memory is variable by a paddle. The Stop/Reset button is to prepare and stop the recording. With the Start/Pause button is a recording started and short breaked.
The switch Record/Play navigates the direction of the audio signal from or to the memory. To select the source of the played audiosignals the switch Memory/Bypass is used. In position Memory comes the audiosignals from the memory, otherwise in position Bypass the sounds comes directly from equipment connected on the Audio-In connector. Hang Up/Take off/Answering machine switch is used to select the working mode of the memory-MoH.
In the answering machine mode you can select with the callsignal switch after how much signals the interface take up.
A red Led shows the calling signals if you select the answering machine mode or Hang Up. A green Led signal an active playing or recording.
Two ways are possible to record audio signal to the Memory-MoH. By a, on the PABX-systems connected, telephone or with an on the Audio-In connected equipment.
The playing of the adiosignals is normaly without ending (loop). This means that the playing restarts at the end of the recorded part. Only in the answering machine mode the playing stops at the end of the recorded part.
Because of this, the playing starts not at the begin if you arbitrate a call.
If it is necessary and you have a controlport at the PABX-system to communicate with the Memory-MoH, it is possible to steer the playing by a galvanic protected port.
If you feel insecure if your PABX-system works with the Memory-MoH, send me a email .
The following graphic shows the connetion of the Memory-MoH on a ISTEC PABX-system in normal use and during recording.

Memory-MoH connection

Price and accessory

The ready to use Memory-MoH interface costs 150DM.
To operation a plugin-powersupply is necessary. A suitable part can be ordered for 20DM.