PC-Xformer Cable

PC-Xformer cable

Link Short description
Link Price
Link Differents between PC-Xformer cable and SIO2PC-interface

You can find the address to download the PC-Xformer 3.6 software under 'Links' on the left side.

Short description

The PC-Xformer cable is used to connect aN ATARI-floppy To the printerport of a PC.
The only possible software to use the PC-Xformer cable is the PC-Xformer software 3.5 or higher.
This software is now freeware and can be downloaded from Emulator Inc. homepage, which are acessable under 'Links' from the left side.


The price for the ready to use PC-Xformer cable is 20DM.
The PC-Xformer software is not included.
If the lenght of the cable is to short, it is possible to lengthen the cable with a maximal 2 meter long modem-cable. A 2 meter long modem-cable (2x25pole SUB-D) costs 10DM.

Differences between PC-Xformer cable and SIO2PC-Interface

The PC-Xformer has only access to an ATARI-floppy from the PC. The SIO2PC-interface supports the transport of datas from an ATARI-floppy to the PC and back. Because of this, the SIO2PC-interface needs an ATARI-computer.
If you only need to copy your datas from the ATARI to the PC, then the PC-Xformer cable is the right choice. In all other applictions it is better to use the SIO2PC-interface.
The SIO2PC-interface has with its options to simulate some diskstations, printers and modems much more possibilities. It can work with real ATARI-floppies and much more as only to transport datas between ATARI and PC.