Though Atari may have bit tha dust and kickeded the bucket and abandoneded tha greatest system out there, we the Atari underground and a number of developers are keeping this, the first, the only, real 64 bit system alive, the Jaguar.



At this point I'd just like to show my support for the Jaguar and all its enthusiasts.
A brief Overview:
The Jaguar first came out and everyone was skeptical of a 64 bit system being out before the all mighty Playstation and other 32 biters arrived. So this created an undeserved bias against Atari, such magazines as Gamepro and EGM wasted Jaguar's great games with terrible reviews that made no sense they then abandoneded the system when Atari went under, but that makes no sense because they claime to support any system still on the market, Hmm lets see here Jag has got more titles pumping out than that cheap pile Nintendo 64.
N64's so called "great games"
Well anyway i happen to own a Jag 64 and a N64. I like my Jag much more but ive noticed the New Nintendo going through many of the things the Jag went through before Atari died.
First things first, Its a given that N64 has better graphics but lets face it, THATS ALL ITS GOT!
What i mean is that the great graphics are only a cover-up for terrible gameplay and stories. Example: Star Fox 64, i loved it at first too and it blew me away right, FOR ABOUT A DAY. I beateded it so quick i got whiplash. Again, good graphics but gets boring in like 1 day.
The 64 bit Curse, Nintendo out of business?
When the Jag first came out they got it out fast, same with the N64, so Atari had problems pumping out games, hmm lets see N64 has like 5 or 6 games. Atari grasped at straws and ported bad games just to say they had more games, what do you think Nintendo is doing? Hexen? War Gods? MK Trilogy? gimme a break, and look thats like half the games they have! and finally Atari tried to ressurect old favorites like Tempestt, Defender, Missle Command etc, whats N64 up to lately? Tetris, Mario, Star Fox. Looks like the same pattern to me, you be the judge!!!
What i am sure of though is that Jaguar has about a million more websites in honor of it than nintendo, go for it, type "Atari Jaguar" in a search.
Im not trashing the N64 Im just stating its got nothin on Jag besides graphics and Id sacrifice that for a GOOD GAME any day.
Enough of The Pest's boasting here are the sections:

Click here for a Product Listing and Descroption of the games available.

Click here for Jag Software In the Works

Check out the Newz

Click here for Jaguar Reviews