6502 Pinout Diagram

A vector graphic pinout is also available in
Encapsulated PostScript format.
- A0-A15: Memory address bus
- D0-D7: Memory data bus
- Vss: Ground
- RDY: Memory ready signal
- Ø1: Clock in (?)
- IRQ: Interrupt request signal
- NMI: Non-maskable interrupt signal
- SYNC: (unknown)
- Vcc: +5V power
- HALT: Halts the CPU
- R/W: Read/write direction
- Ø0: Clock in (?)
- SO: Set Overflow flag
- Ø2: Sync
- RST: Resets the CPU
Note: I have no confirmation of the above descriptions. This is just
my best educated guess, using my knowledge of microcomputer design, the
function of the 6502 processor, and the interaction between the custom