CTIA / GTIA Pinout Diagram

A vector graphic pinout is also available in
Encapsulated PostScript format.
- A0-A4: Address bus
- D0-D7: Data bus
- AN0-AN2: ANTIC bus (data type unknown)
- Vcc: +5V power
- T0-T3: Joystick trigger inputs
- S0-S3: Console buttons - Start, Select, Option, ? (?)
- PAL: PAL/NTSC indicator (R/W direction unknown)
- CAD3 (unknown)
- COLOR: Color signal to TV modulator (?)
- LUM0-LUM3: Digital luminance signal to TV modulator (?)
- CSYNC: (unknown)
- HALT: (usage unknown)
- Vss: Ground (?)
- OSC: Output to console speaker (?)
- F0O: (unknown)
- Ø2: Clock in (?)
- CS: Chip select
- R/W: Read/write direction
Note: I have no confirmation of the above descriptions. This is just
my best educated guess, using my knowledge of microcomputer design, the
function of the C/GTIA processor, and the interaction between the custom