PIA Pinout Diagram

A vector graphic pinout is also available in Encapsulated
PostScript format.
- Vss: Ground
- PA0-PB7: Bidirectional ports A and B (stick direction, paddle triggers,
- CB1-CB2: Port B control
- Vcc: +5V power
- R/W: Read/write direction
- CS0: Chip Select
- CS2: Chip Select (active low)
- CS1: Chip Select
- Ø2: Sync
- D0-D7: Data bus
- RST: Chip reset
- A0-A1: Address bus
- IRQA-IRQB: Port A and B interrupt lines
- CA1-CA2: Port A control
Note: I have no confirmation of the above descriptions. This is just
my best educated guess, using my knowledge of microcomputer design, the
function of the PIA processor, and the interaction between the custom IC's.