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Cartridge NameProduct NumberRarityGraphicsPlayabilitySame As:PictureArchived
Power Module 3-D Ghost Attack/Depth Charge 1100 NR No No
Power Module Scavenger Hunt 2100 NR No No
Power Module SAC Alert 2105 NR No No
Power Module 3-D Havoc 2110 NR No No
Power Module Strafe 2115 NR No No
Power Module Mogul Maniac 3105 NR No No
Power Module Surf's Up 3110 NR No No
Power Module Off Your Rocker 3115 NR No No
Mogul Maniac 3120 ER43 scanNo Yes
Surf's Up 3125 ER No No
Off Your Rocker 3130 ER34 scanNo Yes
SAC Alert 3135 NR No No
Power Play Arcade 1 ???? NR No No
Power Play Arcade 2 ???? NR No No
Power Play Arcade 3 ???? NR No No
Power Play Arcade 4 ???? NR No No
Power Play Arcade 5 ???? NR No No

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