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Cartridge NameProduct NumberRarityGraphicsPlayabilitySame As:PictureArchived
Karate FG 1001 R 32 docYes Yes
Spiderdroid FG 1002 R 21 Amidar Parker Bros. scandocYes Yes
Task Force FG 1003 R 33 Gangster Alley SpectravisiondocOnly No
Cruise Missile FG 1007 R 22 Exocet Panda docNo No
Sea Hawk FG 1008 R 22 Sea Hawk Panda docYes Yes
Sea Hunt FG 1009 R 32 Sea Hunt Panda scanXerox Yes
Water Ski (7800) FG 2002 ER23 docNo Yes
Tank Command (7800) FG 2003 ER No No
Night of the Ninja (7800) ?? NR No No
Pyromania (7800) ?? UR No No
Scorpion Squad (7800) ?? NR No No
Scrapper Story (7800) ?? NR No No
UFO (7800) ?? NR No No

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