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* and as of 1993 they are still producing them!) * ***********************************************************************
Cartridge NameProduct NumberRarityGraphicsPlayabilitySame As:PictureArchived
Super Challenge Football 5658 A088 U Super Challenge FootballM NetworkdocNo No
Glacier Patrol 5667 A106 R 24 Glacier Patrol Sunrise scanYes Yes
Bogey Blaster 5861 A030 R 54 Air Raiders M Network scandocNo No
Quest For Quintana Roo 6057 A227 ER34 Quest For Quintana RooSunrisescandocYes Yes
Universal Chaos 7062 A305 R No No
Adventures on GX-12 (M Network's Adventures of Tron)?? U 34 Adventures of TronM Network docNo No
Air Raiders ?? R 54 Air Raiders M Network docNo No
Armor Ambush ?? U 33 Armor Ambush M Network docNo No
Astroblast ?? U 34 Astroblast M Network docNo No
Bobby's Cosmic Adventure ?? M Network No No
Burgertime ?? U 33 Burgertime M Network No No
Bump 'n' Jump ?? R 43 Bump 'n' Jump M Network No No
Deadly Discs (M Network's Tron's Deadly Discs)?? U 33 Tron's Deadly DiscsM Network docNo No
Dungeon Master ?? 23 Venture Coleco docNo No
Frogs and Flies ?? R 34 Frogs and Flies M Network docNo No
In Search of the Golden Skull ?? NR In Search of the Golden SkullM NetworkNo No
International Soccer ?? U 33 International SoccerM NetworkscandocNo No
Kung Fu Superkicks ?? R 32 Chuck Norris SuperkicksXonox No No
Lock 'n Chase ?? U 33 Lock 'n Chase M Network docNo No
Night Stalker ?? R 43 Night Stalker M Network No No
Space Attack ?? U 34 Space Attack M Network docNo No
Star Strike ?? U 43 Star Strike M Network No No
Super Challenge Baseball ?? U Super Challenge BaseballM NetworkdocNo No

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