Classic videogame & computer systems lists

The Giant 2600/7800 List is a compilation of all the cartridges for the Atari 2600 and the Atari 7800 that are known to exist. I update it frequently. The information comes from: I'm always looking for contributions. (The list's version number usually only changes when I add or change a significant amount of material in the list; a single addition would not warrant a change in the version number.)


(Q*bert image)
Plain textHTML
Atari 2600/7800 List - Plain HTML
Intellivision - Plain HTML
Odyssey2 - Plain HTML
Aquarius cartridges & peripherals - Plain HTML
APF M1000 & APF MP1000 cartridges - Plain HTML
Atari controllers - Plain HTML
Power supply voltage, current, & wattage ratings - Plain HTML