Attack of the Mutant Camels

Attack of the Mutant Camels was almost the first game I wrote on the C64 (unless you count Rox-64, which I don't really, as it was intended more as a demo of how to do sprites and stuff on the C64, and was written in two hours on the first night I actually had the machine). I say almost, because half way through it I got interrupted by HES, who leant on me to do a quick port of Gridrunner to the C64, as that game was just starting to hit big in the US on the VIC. So AMC got delayed and Gridrunner was first out on the C64.

AMC was loosely inspired by the Walker sequence in Star Wars. The camels are not particularly well-drawn, and in fact look more like two fat men in a pantomime camel suit than proper camels. Also, note that although the cover artwork has bactrian (2-humped) camels, in the actual game the beasts are single-humped dromedaries.