Andes Attack

Andes Attack was a relatively crude character-mode Defender-ish game for the Vic-20. It arose out of some 'virtual screen' routines I had written, which allowed one to designate a big screen as large as memory allowed, and then pan around it with the joystick. I liked Defender, which was a scrolling game, so it seemed natural to use my scrollroutines to make a Defender game. Despite being well buggy (bits of mountain range had an alarming habit of appearing in mid-air for no good reason) Andes Attack sold fairly well, probably just because the other software around in the UK at that time was utterly, utterly crap. AA was released in the US under the title 'Aggressor'.

The package artwork is typical early-Llamasoft - black printing over a fluorescent background, which as you can see does not scan in all that brilliantly.