
Batalyx was another unusual design, involving six subgames that ran in parallel (five real games, actually, the sixth being the equivalent of a 'chill-out area' - a version of Psychedelia). The player could skip to any game at any time; the difficulty of all games increased as time went on. So the player could play the sections he found most difficult early, when they were at their easiest, and tackle the ones he knew best later in the game when they had got more difficult.

Batalyx was unusual in that it was released in conjunction with another software house called Ariolasoft, who swore blind that they would market it more effectively than Llamasoft alone could have, but we didn't really notice much difference. Llamasoft games never were that dependant on marketing.

Batalyx also contained a selection of sprites designed by my mates on a very early network called Compunet that I used to hang out on a lot at the time.