Hover Bovver

Hover Bovver was a delightfully silly game devised by me and my dad, involving mowing a lawn whilst pursued by an irate neighbour and a stupid dog (based on my mum's Afghan hound, a spectacularly dense example of a canine). The name Hover Bovver was inspired by an advertising campaign at the time for Flymo hover mowers, where the tagline was 'it's a lot less bovver with a hover'. In fact, the game was originally officially sanctioned by Flymo, and we used the name in the game and they even lent us a mower to display when we launched the game. However, just before launch, their marketroids changed their minds for no apparent reason, and all the Flymo references had to be hastily changed to 'AirMo'.

Hover Bovver also featured a llovely little animation on the title page involving a man and a llama.