Headbanger's Heaven

Headbanger's Heaven was an oddly-compulsive little game. It was based on a game that I used to play on the Commodore Pet that I forget the name of, but with several new twists, the main one being that in HH it paid to get hit on the head, whereas in the Pet game it just killed you. I still play this game from time to time using the Spectrum emulator. Bad play got you rated as 'Donny Osmond Class 5' (or worse, Barry Manilow), whereas good play got you the accolade of Headbanger. The Vic version was probably the best, with more elaborate graphics and Pink Floyd hammers on the hi-score table. I remember that the 'Game Over' sound FX on the speccy sounded like someone having an excessively runny shit!

Cover artwork is from the Speccy version.