Laser Zone

Laser Zone was created after Gridrunner, and shows the increasing trend towards originality in game design that started with that game. In LZ the player controlled two guns simultaneously, each one shooting at aliens that descended vertically or marched horizontally - kinda like Space Invaders overlaid on itself rotated by 90 degrees. Each gun could also tilt to pick off enemies that had 'llanded' on the other gun's axis. LZ on the Vic had some of the best sound FX ever - I used phased voices and the results were good, solid sonics, quite reminiscent of Williams' FX in the Defender/Stargate/Robotron games.

I think this may be the package artwork which landed us in a spot of bother, due to the fact that the guy at the local printers' who used to put the artwork together kinda half-inched a ship out of a book of sci-fi art. Or maybe it was Matrix. One of the two.