LLAMATRON Freeware Release - 8/2/97 =================================== After several years as shareware, I have decided to release LLAMATRON and REVENGE OF THE MUTANT CAMELS as freeware. I think we've got about as much out of the games as we're ever going to, and without my dad to assist, it's not really practical for my mum to continue supporting the games from back in the UK. Many thanx go to everyone who has registered the games over the years, and to everyone else - enjoy, have fun! LLAMATRON and REVENGE OF THE MUTANT CAMELS may be distributed freely, so long as no money is charged for the games. Please keep this readme.txt file included in the distribution. Thanx. LLAMATRON for PC - Usage Notes ============================== To run the game, simply unzip everything into a directory, and then type LLAMA to run the game. (For Win95 users - the game works fine in a DOS box. Just double-click the LLAMA.EXE icon). As default, in this release the game is set up to run with keyboard controls and without sound. Why no sound? Well, on my PC the sound driver doesn't work correctly, and I want to distribute the games in such a way that they will work on most PCs. The sound *may* work for you though - if you want to try (and if you want to enable joysticks), run the INSTALL program and use the Change Game Options selection. There is no need to use the "install to hard disk" option at all, since I assume you will have already unzipped the game to your HD anyway. Provided everything works OK, you should see a static Llamatron load screen. Press space to clear this screen, and you will then see a bunch of stuff scroll by (press P to pause the scrolltext if you want to read that stuff, or else press SPACE again to get to the Llamatron title screen). At the title screen, pressing SPACE will begin a new game. Before starting a game, you can alter the options by using the arrow keys. UP and DOWN select one or two player modes, and LEFT and RIGHT select the game type. Note that for a 2-player team mode game, you will need two joysticks! I *HIGHLY RECOMMEND* that Novice players select the game mode that has an AI Droid assisting the player. The AI Droid is your little purple pal who beetles around shooting at the bad guys and helping you collect up your Beasties! Play a few games alongside the Droid, and then when you're more proficient at the game, you can play without him for a more challenging game. To quit out to DOS or end your w95 dos box session, just press Q during gameplay, or at the title screen. During a game you may press P to pause, and O to unpause the game. Playing LLAMATRON ================= Your mission is straightforward - simply BLAST your way through 100 progressively more difficult arenas, killing all the bad guys, collecting bonuses and powerups, and rescuing as many little beasties as you can along the way. If you get to level 100, you'll reach Herd Heaven, where you will be surrounded by nothing but lovely beasties! Enjoy it while you can, because then the game gets harder! You control your llama using the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the beast in whatever direction you desire. The animal spits continuously, and normally will fire in the direction that you move. However - and this is the key to proficient LLAMATRON play - if you hold down the SPACE bar, the angle of fire will be "locked", and you can move the llama whilst holding the stream of bullets in one direction. By using this technique you can strafe whole herds of baddies, or flee a pack of enemies whilst firing behind you. Practise use of the SPACE bar fire lock - you'll be needing it as the levels get more difficult! To help you out along the way, occasionally shot baddies will release a bubble-shaped powerup that floats towards your llama. Snag the bubbles for a variety of powerups and bonuses, including the following: - 3-WAY SHOT. Deal death over a wider angle! - REFLECTIVE SHOT. Bounce expectoration off the walls! - SMART BOMB. Kill or damage all enemies in the level! - EXTRA LLAMA. One Up! - FLOYD BONUS. More points! - HOT BULLETS. Slice through enemies like a cat through butter! - WARP. Skip 5 levels! - INVINCIBILITY. They can't get you for a few seconds! To earn extra points and the undying affection of ungulates everywhere, rescue the little lost beasties that are present in most of the battle arenas. Rescuing your beasties also gives a momentary firepower advantage. On some levels - designated "Herd Waves" - you *must* collect all your beasties to exit the level. Sometimes, you will see a red love heart floating across the screen. Grab it, and all the beasties will fall in love with you, and run bleating towards you for a cuddle! This usually results in lots of bonuses and firepower niceness. Be sure and grab the love heart, and enjoy being irrisistable to ungulates! When your game is over, should you make it onto the hi-score table, you can enter your name and the score table is saved onto the disk. Well, that's it really! Have plenty of beastie fun, and if you like the game, share it with your mates - it's free, after all. Enjoy! \ (:-) - Y a K 8/2/97 (llamaman@ix.netcom.com) /